I won't replicate others list here, but I was a little imprecise. If you mean Imp memberworlds that are low-tech, not so much. But inside Imperial space and not members yet? They exist.
Unless you're talking about interdicted worlds, I don't know of a single example of a world inside the Imperial border that isn't a member world or a colony of a member world.
And slapping an interdict on a planet means little.
It means that no one is allowed to visit it unless authorized by the proper Imperial authorities.
Remember the Shionthy belt?
I'm familiar with the Shionthy Belt, yes. What about it?
That works for Imp member worlds. Not so much for planets just outside Imp space...
It's quite possible that the Imperium does not enforce anti-slavery rules against worlds outside itself, but AFAIK there's no evidence either way about that. Presumably the Imperium will interfere with any traffic in Imperial citizens, just as it interferes with piracy that affects Imperial shipping.
... or low-tech planets in Imp space but not yet participating in the Imperium.
There is no evidence of any system in Imperial space that is not part of the Imperium. All systems, including the interdicted ones, have an 'Im' in the alignment field of the UWPs.
And TL-5 IS primitive to a TL-12+ sophont used to a galaxy-spanning empire.
But you used the term in a way that implied that these worlds kept slaves because of their primitive technology. TL4 and 5 societies may use slaves, but they definitely don't have to. (Nor does any society no matter how low the tech level, although the impetus to do so may be higher with lower tech levels).
I seriously doubt the Imps have nothing better to do than interfere in each and every low-tech culture to just to feel like they've stamped out slavery.
But do you have any evidence that they don't? I think a sophisticated TL12+ society will have plenty of charitable organizations ferreting out questionable practices and bringing them to the attention of the Imperial high nobles. What happens next probably depends quite a lot on the character of the local duke, but since failing to enforce Imperial policies would be one of the reasons for stripping a high noble of his office, I'd expect them to at least cover their posteriors one way or another.
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