Liam Devlin
SOC-14 5K
Hmmm. Piracy in the 3I..(I presume this is pre Rebellion, yes?) conjunction why merchants/ yachts go armed...(or should).
Aramis posted:"Piracy needs the following considerations to work:
(1) You must be able to force combat with the target
(2) you must be able to threaten the target
(3) you must be able to obtain the target's valuables before reinforcements arrive
(4) you must be able to escape or outrun the reinforcements.
(5) you must be able to use or sell the valuables.
In the 3I (1) is possible. (2) is likely. (3) is common provided you wait til just shy of the jump limit. (4) grab and skitter out to the jump limit. (5) is the problem....
Caveat-#3 is possible especially with 0 SDB's in system.
Caveat #5- if yer trying to sell the starship ye've taken, agreed. Serial numbers etc are traceable...But if its the subcraft vehicles-those are in the bazillions made, and are harder to trace. And just as easily sold for high profits.. If its the goods in the hold...or ransoming the passengers..Those have there own problems Aramis is dead on.
In the modern wet naval environment, (1) is a problem, (2) can be arranged with SSM-MP systems (TOW or LAW), (3) is right out in anyyplace less than 100miles from a shore-base or carrier, (4) is also a problem... bigger naval vessels are in fact faster! (5) is no different a problem."
Piracy still exists in the Indian Ocean, and Pan pacific states (archipelagoes, multitude of ships of innocuous nature, and registry...#4Grabbing the stuff and skittering may not be James Bond stuff, as much as "hide in plain sight"--its whats under the hood that matters...below the water line that is! AN effective camoflage, still in use today.
#5-Theres a market for everything criminally undertaken, else why do it? Beats honest work if the pay off is there w/ a buyer!
How to prevent the target ship from getting off that warning is almost as important as seizing her. Surprise plays a key role inn thsi factor, as do "Native shills" amongst hired on crew (both wet/ Space versions). Sabotage of the radio--who warns what Navy? No one does...
Pirates who operate today might not be numerous, but they are no less devious & cunning, and dangerous.
A Crypto tech Navy Brat's observations on Wet piracy/ vis a vis Traveller Piracy.
Aramis posted:"Piracy needs the following considerations to work:
(1) You must be able to force combat with the target
(2) you must be able to threaten the target
(3) you must be able to obtain the target's valuables before reinforcements arrive
(4) you must be able to escape or outrun the reinforcements.
(5) you must be able to use or sell the valuables.
In the 3I (1) is possible. (2) is likely. (3) is common provided you wait til just shy of the jump limit. (4) grab and skitter out to the jump limit. (5) is the problem....
Caveat-#3 is possible especially with 0 SDB's in system.
Caveat #5- if yer trying to sell the starship ye've taken, agreed. Serial numbers etc are traceable...But if its the subcraft vehicles-those are in the bazillions made, and are harder to trace. And just as easily sold for high profits.. If its the goods in the hold...or ransoming the passengers..Those have there own problems Aramis is dead on.
In the modern wet naval environment, (1) is a problem, (2) can be arranged with SSM-MP systems (TOW or LAW), (3) is right out in anyyplace less than 100miles from a shore-base or carrier, (4) is also a problem... bigger naval vessels are in fact faster! (5) is no different a problem."
Piracy still exists in the Indian Ocean, and Pan pacific states (archipelagoes, multitude of ships of innocuous nature, and registry...#4Grabbing the stuff and skittering may not be James Bond stuff, as much as "hide in plain sight"--its whats under the hood that matters...below the water line that is! AN effective camoflage, still in use today.
#5-Theres a market for everything criminally undertaken, else why do it? Beats honest work if the pay off is there w/ a buyer!
How to prevent the target ship from getting off that warning is almost as important as seizing her. Surprise plays a key role inn thsi factor, as do "Native shills" amongst hired on crew (both wet/ Space versions). Sabotage of the radio--who warns what Navy? No one does...

Pirates who operate today might not be numerous, but they are no less devious & cunning, and dangerous.
A Crypto tech Navy Brat's observations on Wet piracy/ vis a vis Traveller Piracy.