Originally posted by Aramis:
Problem 1: those staterooms show the fresher in a subcompartment.
Problem 2: dirtsider furniture... still..
The bed(s), if you're going to to have a small room, should double as couch. Futon-esque, or RV-esque.
The fresher should have a fold-away bowl, with no standing water. The sink should likewise be a fold-away Both should be within the shower area, both for cleaning and space reasons. A 1mx1m shower stall, with a 20cm deep "trimmed" corner for equipment and roll-away door, while a touch cramped, is more than adequate. That is, after all, exactly the size of my father's shower stall. That gives about 1.25m from back to outter corner. WHen opened, the roll away leaves the space open to reduce claustraphobia.
The vanity really has no place being in the fresher. The storage should be under the bunk, or in thin but full height cabinetry. the towel rack should be just outside the shower, and be spring-loaded to HOLD the towel against the wall; better, magnetic or velcro affixer direct to the wall.
And please, could you keep the size down (in terms of pixels), not all of us have monster monitors... (I'm on a 1024x768; when a 1000 pixel wide pic loads, I can't read the messages because the scrolling side-to-side makes me nauseous.)
Oh, and the last couple pics border on risque....
Your issue number 1. I thought about it not being in a seperate compartment but nobody wants to look at a toilet, no matter how clean it is. The typical person does desire some privacy in this area and since the Rooms have to be designed for double occupancy, even if they are never more than single occupancy, a partition would generally be called for. As for folding it away, fold it into what? Standard walls on a stateroom are little more than privacy partitions. I wish I could find that quote, but it is from some of the early CT stuff. Those walls are relatively easy to reconfigure, and are not load bearing, so fitting plumbing and the bowl itself in there would be a bit rough, especially with the minimal size of these walls on most deck plans. (Even high tech, unless it is fitted with a disentegrator, TL-17 or so.) Still will have certain minimum sizes for the waste pipe or hose and the size of the bowl itself. Also remember that this isn't a plumbing problem that you want a kink in the line, or one to wear due to movement on a regular basis.
Oh and I didn't place a towel, yet, for the shower. Having it hanging with a magnet, except for hanging to to dry, the only reason to hang one at all is so you can reach it when you step out of the shower or from within the shower. And if you are taking a shower then in a sudden Zero-G situation, a floating towel will be the least of your worries. Just secure the towel when you are done, I am sure High tech laundry facilities would fit in a very small space, especially when used to clean a minimal number of things at a time. So dry off and throw it in the Hamper/Washer/Dryer/Folder equivalent.
[2] Dirtsider furniture? If you have Gravity pretty much full time, what would starship furniture look like? Do you have some examples of what would not be considered dirtsider furniture in your opinion? (Preferbly in the form of Poser Freebies, though for the right look (to me) I would pay money.)
Yes I could use a futon, though it wasn't the look I was going for. With the small size of these rooms you aren't going to spend all your time in there anyway, at least I wouldn't. And folding out a futon takes up more space than these rooms really have. (See the ugly picture with two possible locations for the Futon unfolded.) While it will fit in the larger room that eliminates most of your room and the rest of your potential furniture. You could also just sit on the bed. I do have underbed storage, though only on the bottom bunk, There is a vertical locker in the room, adding a second is tougher than it looks, though I am experimenting with high horizontal lockers. Again folding things up, sure, but into what?
There are some things I could add to my inventory improve my choices for things like furniture. I do accept Daz and Content Paradise Gift certificates.
The Pics bordering on Risque? Well as long as they don't cross the border I think it is legal. (And I admit that getting close to that border without crossing it was one of the goals of the picture.) After all you sell cars, beer, computers, virtually everything, with pretty women, why not starships?
As for picture size, I render these at 1600 pixels wide. For my viewing audience, both here and on Artzone, there needs to be a compromise. If these forums were actually set up for graphics then they would allow 800x600 or 640x480 or 600x450 pics to be shown within the thread and a click would get you to the full size pic. Because of where I have to host these, since they have to be hosted off site and I only have one place to host them. I really can't go much smaller and IMHO they loose lots of detail if you cut their size. The issue is with the forum software being used at this end. Sorry it means you might have to scroll. If I had someplace else to host them, I could then post smaller pics here and include a link to the full size pic but I don't have that luxury, there are very few places that would allow me that kind of bandwidth to host that many pictures.