SOC-14 5K
Terran standard gravity and escape velocity.
Agent of the Imperium implies that the Imperial Navy has standardized software or Jonathan Bland's backdoor entry tricks could not work.
Most of what is saying about standarization here seems to ignore the concept of IDP (Imperial Design Product), quite talked about in MT supplements. They are plans to be used in the imperium as a whole, just to standarize hardware and making them usable. In many occasions you must support a sector with other sector fleets, and, if not using IDPs, the support needed by that 'foreign' fleet whould more than offset the reinforcement given by it.Have you ever seen the drawings for various minor components of a naval vessel let alone the larger parts? Standardization is anything but standard. Ships are largely semi-custom built and become moreso as they age.
What I'm getting at is that local yards will build something that is sort of standard in terms of its operational characteristics but will have alot of variation in various details. Its those details that matter when you go to fix stuff.
Been there done that....alot.
As an example, a few years ago Portugal and Greece had true problems with forest fires. They recived support from many countries from the UE in form of fire fighting airplanes, but most of them had to return to their bases in their countries for maintenance, as they were not the same airplane type than those used by the affected contries, and so, no spares nor mechanics for them were in place. Even travel time being just hours, not weeks or months as in Traveller, this disrupted the true worth those planes could have had.
I don't belive the imperium will let similar problems to arise, and that is just (to my understanding) the pourpose of IDPs.
I foresee several reasons for that:Why move entire ships several sectors? Specs go out from from design bureau to Sector Navies to use in ship building. Done.
- To reinforce threatened areas when the whole power of the navy must be put in use (major wars). Like the Roman Imperium or the reforger strategy for NATO through at diferent scales in time and space), I see the frontier forces of the Imperium (both Imperial and Provincial) just as holding and delaying forces, while the true might of the Imperium will only be in force after reinforcements (most of them from other sectors) arrive. As an example, in FFW, the corridor fleet (two sectors away) took an important role. Even a division from the Imperial Guard was sent to the front from Capital (4 sectors away). Similarly, in the solomani war there were ships taken from all the empire. And don't forget Lucan's orders to send fleets from many sectors, the final nail on the Imperium's coffin to shatter it.
- To keep unity on designs. If ships from a sector use to remain there, there will be a loss of cohesion in technology and standarization, that can be at least partially avoided if ships serve on sectors other than the one they were built (see my previous entry about standarization, just abrove).
- To keep a sense of unity. This is an important political matter, as troops and crews too used to serve always their native sectors may tend to be sector loyal, rather than Imperial loyal. That happened too in the Roman Empire, as legions that were for generations serving on the same province used to see themselves more as part of that province forces than forces of the empire as a whole, and so they in instances served ther provincial interests more than Imperial's.
There are other instances of standardization, overt or implied in the Imperium."American Components. Russian Components. All made in Taiwan. Please move....Now Move! THIS IS HOW WE FIX THINGS ON RUSSIAN SPACESTATION!" - Lev Andropov
Most of what is saying about standarization here seems to ignore the concept of IDP (Imperial Design Product), quite talked about in MT supplements. They are plans to be used in the imperium as a whole, just to standarize hardware and making them usable. In many occasions you must support a sector with other sector fleets, and, if not using IDPs, the support needed by that 'foreign' fleet whould more than offset the reinforcement given by it.
As an example, a few years ago Portugal and Greece had true problems with forest fires. They recived support from many countries from the UE in form of fire fighting airplanes, but most of them had to return to their bases in their countries for maintenance, as they were not the same airplane type than those used by the affected contries, and so, no spares nor mechanics for them were in place. Even travel time being just hours, not weeks or months as in Traveller, this disrupted the true worth those planes could have had.
I don't belive the imperium will let similar problems to arise, and that is just (to my understanding) the pourpose of IDPs.
Assuming that interstellar trade is functioning, a lot of smaller, high-value items like computers will be imported anyway. Software is high-value with practically zero mass, so it will propogate easily.Since all the worlds in the Imperium have their own rules and regs is there any standardization across the Imperium?
Example planet 1 uses OS 1 planet 2 (9 jumps away) uses OS qr92. I need to update my software. The two OS are not compatible. What do I do?
My ship is a regional variant of a Beowulf will its airlock match up with other ships? With the infinite variations for almost any piece of equipment how do you repair, fix anything? Need a battery for your las rifle? Sorry we don’t make batteries to those specs. I can do a custom job for you but it’s gonna cost extra.
My take on this topic is this; ever have a mechanic who isn't really unscrupulous, but knows you need to get your car running again, so he retrofits a part from another make or model into your car?
Do you really want to get that level of detail in an adventure game? Do Zho parts work on Imperial ships? Probably mostly not, but sometimes. Soli parts and Imp parts? Probably, but not always. K'Kree and Imp? Hardly ever. Hiver and Imp ... hivers will manipulate you into making what they need.
Small fry like Swordys grab everything they can nab, where Darriens simply fabricate and duplicate everything. Droyne? Eh, ymmv. Vargr? Who knows.
Office of Calendar Compliance
As the Third Imperium expands its territory and brings more and more systems into the community of worlds, the Imperial Ministry of Trade is charged with the responsibility of regulating trade and commerce: to promote economic expansion as well as to reduce fraud or deception.
Within that ministry, the Bureau of Standards administers a wide variety of standards and specifications, and disseminates this information as an educational effort to all the members of the Imperium. Typical standards which are promulgated include the metric system of measurement, statistical standards used in quality control, and specifications for packaging, safety, and convenience.
As a portion of that bureau, the Office of Calendar Compliance is normally viewed as a sinecure: a cushy job inspecting the compliance of member worlds with the standard Imperial Calendar. Its agents hold instructional seminars, meet with educators and legislators, inspect textbooks and computer systems, and generally gauge compliance with the Imperial standards. The office also publishes an interesting pamphlet about the Imperial Calendar, and an annual report to the Moot, documenting the state of Calendar compliance with the Imperium.
Employees of the OCC must have a variety of talents: They are called upon to speak in public, to negotiate compliance agreements, and generally to get along with a wide range of peoples and cultures. Significantly, because the Empire presents itself as ruling space, leaving world governance to the locals, OCC employees are the only official Imperial agents empowered to enforce Imperial law on member worlds. - pg 51 Milieu 0
I operate under the assumption that you have building standards similar to what exists as the Lloyd's Standards for Shipbuilding/Bureau Veritas/American Building Standards covering how ships will be built and standard ship fittings. Power Plants, Maneuver Drives (Abbot-Dean Drives in my universe), and Jump Drives or Hyperspace Drives (Dillinghams in my universe) operate by the same physics, but will vary in exact configuration based on the ship they are used in. Some parts may be common to all, some more unique to the drive, so you might be able to get a repair done immediately or you might have to wait for a part to be fabricated or shipped in.