I believe there is a canonical reference to starport regulations differing from one starport to the next, but I can't place it ... is it in T5?
T5.09, p.270:
T5.09, p.271:The Port Authority. Regardless of the local government in power on the world, the governing authority for the starport is the Port Authority. Financed by a variety of charges and levies on passengers, cargo, and ships, the Authority uses its money to build and maintain its facilities, and to provide variety of services. Like starports, Port Authorities vary widely in structure and approach to their responsibilities. Some are strong corporate organizations devoted to the pursuit of profit; others are non-profit organizations which view their responsibilities more as services to the citizenry; yet others consider themselves a quasi-official arm of local government.
BTW, as an aside, also note that the LL weapon restrictions have changed under the T5 rules (see T5.09 chart p. 409). (e.g. Lasers are now only restricted at level 4 and higher, etc).Law and Order. There must be some law and order within a starport, and the means of achieving that order is the local Starport Regulations. Established by the Port Authority, these regulations define in detail what behaviors are permitted and prohibited. For most people, ordinary behavior is sufficient to stay within the regulations. Strange requirements are typically posted clearly.