Probably not, unless some past incident has "proven" that the presence of processed and ready to use coffee beans, or the side products of making coffee, is either against the religion of the planetary culture, or somehow threatens the biosphere. Soggy grounds could be a hazardous waste under some circumstances, as could the caffeine molecule itself.
The same could be said of any number of other spices, off-world herbs, or even foodstuffs, either because of inherent chemical incompatibilities with local biology or because of potential hitchhikers. The banana spiders that hitch a ride from South America, for one example, but the riders could easily be microbial.
If you've wondered why some worlds conduct Customs inspections in orbit or beyond, this is one of the reasons. The Port will ban or quarantine ships from certain departure ports or with certain things on the manifest or even, in extreme cases, among personal effects. Ports are gateways, and sometimes gates must be closed.