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Starport law levels


We know the law levels of the various worlds. That information is in the UWP.

But what about the starports/within the extrality line?

My guess would be 7. No guns, lasers, explosives, etc. Blades are a-okay.
We know the law levels of the various worlds. That information is in the UWP.

But what about the starports/within the extrality line?

My guess would be 7. No guns, lasers, explosives, etc. Blades are a-okay.

If that were the case, then no armed civilian starship should be allowed to land within the extrality line.

Law Level is probably closer to 0.
That's a good point about armed ships, but here are two things to consider:

1 Drives= fusion weapons.
It's detailed in High Guard. But let's say one is not using that rule...

2 Security.
Starport authorities expect you to submit to an inspection. Missiles and lasers must be unloaded/deactivated. And all weapons must be declared before landing.

Enforcement might involve brute squads, robot swarms, geneered dogs, etc.

3: import licence/transit ticket
Inspectors check out the papers and the goods, then lock the stuff up.

But this is an OTU thread, so I don't want to get too far into possibilities without asking about canon. Did any GDW source ever deal with starports, starport security, and so on?
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I looked again. There is a reference to ship's gunnery under law levels in Book 3.

But it also says law level doesn't apply to starports, anyway.

So maybe instead of assigning a law level, it's better just to describe the starport rules.

That could vary by starport, of course. Big Imperium.
MgT1E (IDK about 2E), CB page 178:

Starports operate according to Imperial law (equivalent to Law Level 1 for most items, and Law Level 7 for psionics).

I know MgT is not OTU specific, but I guess this is thought with 3I in mind, as it is quite consistent with it, and other TUs may be quite different in this (e.g. spaceports being part of the planetary territory and no extrality zones)...
That's a good point about armed ships, but here are two things to consider:

1 Drives= fusion weapons.
It's detailed in High Guard. But let's say one is not using that rule...

2 Security.
Starport authorities expect you to submit to an inspection. Missiles and lasers must be unloaded/deactivated. And all weapons must be declared before landing.

Enforcement might involve brute squads, robot swarms, geneered dogs, etc.

3: import licence/transit ticket
Inspectors check out the papers and the goods, then lock the stuff up.

But this is an OTU thread, so I don't want to get too far into possibilities without asking about canon. Did any GDW source ever deal with starports, starport security, and so on?

My understanding of the 3I is that it is a polity that seeks to encourage and enable trade as a core part of its internal policy. Part of the trade policy would be making is easy to move cargo securely and safely around the Imperium, with the minimum of unnecessary "red tape" or obstructions.

Thus, the extra-legal starport, that can accommodate a ship and its cargo. regardless of local legislation, to facilitate trade to other systems, and to allow Travellers a reasonable idea of what is and isn't acceptable when they arrive at a new starport (For example, knowing they can walk around safely with sidearms, but that a assault rifle would lead to arrest).

Strictly speaking, the customs line would be the Starport perimeter, and goods travelling beyond that would need to be checked, and if needed, searched.

However, depending on how well the local and Starport authorities get on, I can imagine that they might be allowed to move this to landing, or even to orbit, with a Starport Authority rep working alongside a local customs officer to clear a ship and note any items that were contraband on planet. Not to confiscate them, but to account for them, and make the ship re-account for them before departure, proving it hasn't off-loaded them to smugglers locally.

for video on the real world issues with airports and extrality, watch this video.
GT, p.64, sidebar:

"Although, strictly speaking, the law level of the starport permits any weapon to be carried openly, the Imperial laws against property damage, murder, and extortion are rigidly enforced by Imperial authorities ..."
GT, p.64, sidebar:

"Although, strictly speaking, the law level of the starport permits any weapon to be carried openly, the Imperial laws against property damage, murder, and extortion are rigidly enforced by Imperial authorities ..."

Cool. I was looking for something like that.

Ditto the MongTrav reference shared by McPerth.
My understanding of the 3I is that it is a polity that seeks to encourage and enable trade as a core part of its internal policy. Part of the trade policy would be making is easy to move cargo securely and safely around the Imperium, with the minimum of unnecessary "red tape" or obstructions.

Thus, the extra-legal starport, that can accommodate a ship and its cargo. regardless of local legislation, to facilitate trade to other systems, and to allow Travellers a reasonable idea of what is and isn't acceptable when they arrive at a new starport (For example, knowing they can walk around safely with sidearms, but that a assault rifle would lead to arrest).

Strictly speaking, the customs line would be the Starport perimeter, and goods travelling beyond that would need to be checked, and if needed, searched.

However, depending on how well the local and Starport authorities get on, I can imagine that they might be allowed to move this to landing, or even to orbit, with a Starport Authority rep working alongside a local customs officer to clear a ship and note any items that were contraband on planet. Not to confiscate them, but to account for them, and make the ship re-account for them before departure, proving it hasn't off-loaded them to smugglers locally.

for video on the real world issues with airports and extrality, watch this video.

Will watch. Gotta dig out the speakers and hook them up.
Cool. I was looking for something like that.

Ditto the MongTrav reference shared by McPerth.

I generally go with a default LL of 4, so that the starport security guards with their SMGs and autocarbines are not outgunned by default, and then add a "gun case" exception that weapons being transported within the starport in sealed containers designed for that purpose are not being personally "carried" per se and are considered "goods" instead.

Until/unless they are removed from their carry cases, of course.
There was something like this discussed in this thread, though it started from a different tangent.

It seems to me that YTU likely varies from person to ref to random sophont turning up at a convention, but some things seem to be more consistent:

1. Starports are run by the Starport Authority
2. The Starport Authority is not managed by planetary authorities.

In YTU there's lots of scope for variation. I really like the posts made about how starship weapons could be managed at a starport.

For my part, I can't see how it's possible to generalise that a starport would be a place where there are few to no weapon restrictions and crew can wander about heavily armed. In a place where there's voluminous amounts of volatile chemicals, high value goods and sophonts, and it's all taking place in an area which commonly answers primarily to Imperial authorities, to my mind high law levels would be more likely. I don't see that as a way of dampening the mayhem that PCs could cause or be subject to, just that they need to be more creative and careful if that's their intent.
I think it was the other thread, but I really liked the notion that starports have a "open carry blade and a handgun" mentality - plus the option for shotguns or carbines around your ship.

So I think that my internal default for starport LL is like a 5.5, with the starport security being equipped at LL 4.

The following quote comes from T4, but is consistent with earlier editions regarding the Law Level at star ports.

In nearly all cases, a planet will consider a starport to be extraterritorial, therefore not subject to local law, though strict entrance and exit controls may still be enforced.

My view is that would be the case within the Imperium with respect to member planets. For non-Imperium planets, I question if that would be the case. I cannot see the Sword Worlds giving star ports extraterritorial rights, nor the Darrians. For independent planets outside of the Imperium, local control of the star port would be a way of demonstrating their independence.

I am not sure about the Solomani area, but I doubt if the Vargr, K'kree, or Aslan would allow any extraterritoriality for a star port The Law Level on Vargr worlds is apt to be a bit loose anyway, given the fragmentation of the Vargr. Asteroid Belts would be another area of questionable validity, as you are apt to have several space ports spread out through the belt

With respect to the star port on Fulacin covered in Adventure 3: Twilight's Peak, it actually is run by the Zhodani, and not the Imperium Starport Authority. While the UWP code shows a "0" for Law Level, in reality the Law Level would be whatever the Zhodani desired, both on the planet and at the star port.
The Zhodani are secretly running the starport - a civilian ship wouldn't notice the difference. A free trader crew wouldn't be met by everything they would expect at starport.

There are not big signs all over saying secret Zhodani base please do not report.
There are not big signs all over saying secret Zhodani base please do not report.

I can just see those signs too...

The 40th Fleet's 51st Pioneer Construction Battalion welcomes you to Tloql Sector Secret Advance Base Fulacin. Please pardon our dust while we expand. Project completion scheduled for 187-1107.

Imperial Credits not accepted.

Be sure to visit the Tavrchedl'.

No open carry if you please.

Some parties will only pay attention to the last sign and not the three preceding it! ;)
Oatateb kowaaabsaepas atawwebpatta! Ha ha ha...

(That's Bwap for "carry your starship in a sealed container [irony]")
I can just see those signs too...

The 40th Fleet's 51st Pioneer Construction Battalion welcomes you to Tloql Sector Secret Advance Base Fulacin. Please pardon our dust while we expand. Project completion scheduled for 187-1107.

Imperial Credits not accepted.

Be sure to visit the Tavrchedl'.

No open carry if you please.

Some parties will only pay attention to the last sign and not the three preceding it! ;)
Or they [fnord] might not be consciously aware that those [fnord] signs exist....
Generally, I assume a star port Law Level of around 4 or so, with the added proviso that there is no combat or battle armor worn. Also, my concept of cloth armor is closer to that of the current body armor worn by police, so it is not exactly easy to conceal. People wearing body armor do tend to attract attention.
I like the imagery of a gunslinger with his trusty blaster so I have a soft spot for the aesthetics of an Imperial controlled starport with (by and large) fairly lax controls on armed riffraff.

You could say that the starport system within the Imperium is subject to Imperial laws on weapons, which really don't cover anything but WMD's. Because of the extra-territoriality treaties, local laws don't apply by default. Therefore, it is technically legal to tromp around the starport in your battledress and fusion gun, as there is actually no Imperial law that precludes you from doing it.

However, the starport's management could be well within their remit to impose local policy or politely-but-firmly ask the party to put their battle dress away as they're spooking the locals. Convention might be to allow carrying sidearms (LL4) but this is not set in stone. If there was, for example, a terrorist scare management could change that policy temporarily or permanently.

In the case of a class C/D starport on a backwater world on the frontier, there might never have been any incidents beyond the odd drunk crew member getting into a brawl. In this case the issue might never come up.