Originally posted by John G. Wood:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by John G. Wood:
AA9A324-B N Lo Ni Wa 510 Im
I was assuming all of the 5000 people were there to support the base and starport, and still wished there were more! Don't you love random generation?
The govt. code 2 denotes the world has its own government (participatory democracy, so the Imperial Naval base is in "addition to" their A-class port (otherwise might have been Govt code 6).
The trick is figuring out how many Navy personnel are there. The planet's folk obviously supports the base.
</font>[/QUOTE]I agree, but also supporting the starport. From other stuff I've worked out about the region, I can say that there is a lot of jump-4 traffic, and that it's a largish base. However, there's a shortage of information about bases in general (slightly more for scout than naval), so I don't really have a clue what will be there. I was hoping Grand Fleet might help, but from a quick scan through there doesn't seem to be much more than I already knew.
John </font>[/QUOTE]Well,
JGW: Depends on the size of the Imperial Navy in your TU. Big Ship Universe, or Small Ship Universe?
Taking a cue from
GDW's TNE-Path of Tears, An A-class Starport world merits a 10% of total the world's Military Manpower (1% of total UWP pop). 1x Small Combatant, like an SDB, per 500 personnel = The crews/ mechanics/technicians/ & other Support personnel; & 1x Major Combatant (Starship greater than 1Kton) per 1,500 personnel.
5000 folks x 1% = Total 50 Planetary Military personnel (SPace, Wet navy, Airdefense/ COACC, & Ground Forces); A-class port: 10% of 50 is 5 personnel. Looks to me like the Imperial navy is the major defense force for the system with this news.
So, if the pop is 5K, how many people can 5K support in Ships?
Without robtic aid (10 robots/ per 1 human) that's just 5,000 folks divided by 2 = 2500/ 1500 for large ships = 1 large warship + 1000 remainder going to SC's; 2500 for small ships (5x Small vessels) + 1K = 2 more. (1 large & 7x Small escorts)
But its a civilian run govt--so their port, Civilian Side, is primary employer of the rest of this small community.
Even if we ditched the Small Ship Universe formula of pop x 1% x 10% (A-class), and instead used the Big Ship Universe formula of the 10% factor for the port itself...
that's still only
500 x folks working for the Imperial Navy Side of the Port, and 4,500 others.
Lets presume 500x work for the IN A-class port, and 500x work the civilian A-class port. That leaves 4000 others for the Ni work the planet seems to be known for (fishing? Mining? Aquaculture?).
But in order to be A-class they have to produce a starship capable of at Least J-1, and displacing 100dtns?
Well 500x people BUILDING one (with no robots) would in the TCS 1 sophont /10dtn rule, mean 50dtns a quarter (3x months) or produce 2x 25 week 100dtn S-class ships, or X-boat hulls a year.
So who runs the SPA? (Safety, Landing controls, customs, passenger & cargo loading & regulations?)
Who runs the TAS? (High & Mid Passage rooms)
Who runs the Major & Minor repairs & refined starship fuel plant?
Those 500 people can't do all of it, can they? They have to have robotic help, or more folks, right?
Two secrets here:
+An A-class starport has to be a minimum tech level of 9+
+ In Imperial space, Most Starports are due to Interstellar trade, are +1 to +3 tech levels better than the planet they sit upon to the Imperial maximum of TL-15 (F) due to Imperial laws of design duplication: A J2/2G 100dt Type S built in the Marches will follow same basic features as one built down in the Old Expanses, and so on, right?They are named "Type" after all as well as a class name aren't they? ya see where this leads us?
Now some folks, JGW, interpret the world's TL as "that's all of what they can fix, & Sell--period!" But they deny the very interstellar trade the 3rd Imperium brought about in so narrow a view.
The best defined version of this is "this Tech level is the TL the world's majority (population) sustain and enjoy."
So I could pull into a low pop A-class, TL9 port with my 200dt J1/1G TL15 Beowulf and get it fixed--same as if I pulled into my previous example of Ridge's low pop, A-class TL-F port!
Where the GM gets his evil digs in at the players, is here: TL-15 parts maybe had or on order here at the first one, they can be replicated on the spot at the latter--so I might have to pay the TL9 world's grease guys and gearheads a bit more (Shipping & Handling) and wait a bit.
Okay, world is TL-11, and lets say Starport community (PD-govt.) doesn't go the way of fully robotic labor..those are jobs the community can do, right?
IN Navy Starbase Support = 50 sophonts + 500 robots.
Man days labor 5050 (Supports 1x large ship (1500 MDL, and Seven smaller ones (500 MDL each)
Non-citizen IN base personnel at Base, 5K.
Civilian Port: (1300 folks out of 5000)
SPA x 100 Sophonts (with TAS facility capacity of 1600 sophonts/ 52 folks in 600dt liner = 31 x 600dt, or 18,600 dtn of landing berth space.
TAS facility x 100 Sophonts (Stewards rules 1/8 HP & 1/ 16 MP) = 800 High Passengers (Single)rooms/ 1600 Mid passengers.
Shipyard x 1000 Sophonts (1x 100dtn slip, TL-11, produces 2x 100 ships a year.)
Repair yard x 100 Sophonts / 3 per vessel Civ repair 35dt = 33 x 35dt = 1135dtns total repair berth space (divided any way you the GM wish say 1x 600dt, 2x 200dt, 1x 100dt, & 1x 35dt for small spacecraft).
Total +1350 involved with Starport, leaving 3650 (men, women, & children). Adding a dose of realism, say 33% too old or too young to work, thats +1650 more from workforce.
Leaves 650x lanthanum miners*, fisherman, or aquaculture workers for that Non-Industrial code to do.
* I hypothesize the key reason there are A-class worlds in some of these bizarre places is because the essential element for Jump drives and jump 'grids' (what have you) lanthanum is found on those worlds/ or within that system.
SSU conclusion:
Imperial Escort Squadron (stargrid number of world)/ Fleet #, composing of the flag Ship 1kton Fer-de-Lance class Destroyer escort 'ISS Mamba' J4/6G, the 600dtn Naval SDB/Salvage Jump tug (J4(J2)/1G) 'ISS Grappler', and 400dt Shukugan-class SDB's 101 & 102 (base and systenm security patrols) and the 400dtn J4/4G escorts 4x Type T-Patrol Cruisers ISS Valiant, ISS Valor, Valhalla, * ISS 'Vigilant' are supported locally here at Marnie (insert UWP), a small but influential base, and a prosperous Small shipyard, producing 2x S-class starships a year.
How's that non-robot take on the place?