Thing is, even as cheezily easy as that is, you get PCs picking vectors in a way that their Pilot-3 characters would never do... A
You mean they're not following vector mechanics?
I thought that goes without saying. Check out your Mayday rules. That game uses three counters for each ship: The ship counter (in present position), the last position marker, and the future position marker.
A pilot just can't ignore the vector he's built up over previous rounds. A Pilot-3 in a ship with a M-2 drive just can't swing a 180 and move the opposite direction in a single round if the ship has built up to a speed of 42.
You're right, the hex board with 1 hex = 10,0000 km works like a charm. That's basically Range Band movement in 2D (1D Range Band movement uses a sheet of lined notebook paper where only the range between to vessels is calculated...with 2D Range Band movement, as with the hex board, each round of thrust equals movement of a number of hexes equal to the ship's M Drive. Thus a M-1 ship could move 1 hex on round one, 2 hexes on round 2, 3 hexes on round 3, and so on.)
The easiest way (the way I do it) enforce vector movement when using the hex board is to simulate the rule in Mayday. I only use one extra marker--the ship marker and the future position marker. If it's easier, go ahead and use the past position marker.
The idea is to move the future position marker ahead of the ship in a straight line a number of hexes equal to the ship's speed (we're using 1 hex = 10,000 km). The ship can actually move to that hex, or any hex around that target hex as long as it is within the M-Drive rating.
Does that make sense?
For example...
A ship has a M-1 Maneuver Drive. The ship jumped into the system, and its velocity was 3 hexes per turn at the time it appeared in the system (30,000 km in one turn).
Since then, the ship has accelertated at max acceleration for 5 turns. So, Velocity increased to 4 hexes per turn on turn 1, 5-6-7, to 8 hexes per turn on turn 5.
On turn 6, all one has to do is count, in a direct line, in the direction of thrust, before moving the ship, in front of the ship a number of hexes equal to the ship's Velocity. This ship is moving at a Velocity of 8 on turn 5, so on turn 6, simply count out in front of the ship--
in the direction of thrust--8 hexes.
That point will be the ship's future position at the end of round 6 if the ship does not try to change velocity.
Put your finger in that hex. The ship can move to that hex without accelerating, or it can move to any of the six hexes around it if the ship does use its M-1 drive.
2 3
Ship X X X X X X 1 X 4
6 5
You have to remember where the ship was the previous round in order to draw a straight line to the new position (otherwise, it's easiest to just use past position markers.
If the ship in the figure uses its M drive to move into Hex 5, then you will have to remember where the ship was in order to put the future position (8 hexes out) in the correct position.
This is easier to explain using diagrams. If I'm not making any sense, check out your Mayday rules. The concept is explained (better than what I'm doing here) in those rules.
The point being: the vector movement is kept intact using LBB2 combat on a hex board without protractors and rulers.