Ah, I see what's happening. I'm talking about average living while you are talking about poor living.
If you want to differentiate by income bracket cross-referenced to tech level, by all means do so. Meanwhile, I submit that my model will do for game purposes for generic societies.
Likewise for game purposes I suggest that PC expenses are assumed to average out at TL12, allowing players to pay their living expenses according to a single set of costs (Twice those listed in the CT rules for long-term expenses).
In fairness, I was discussing poor living - well, subsistence living - as a floor for the GWP, so it was fair for him to use that as a basis.
I get your point: as tech level changes, underlying assumptions change. The percentage of income spent on food in a society that depends on gas driven tractors and the vagaries of weather and soil will not be the same as in a society that can use tech to automate farming tasks, practice weather control and cheaply extend farming to more marginal lands. I tend to see that as already folded into the GNP figures that Striker provides. Aramis responds that it can be very easy to get lost in the details when we base decisions on that kind of analysis since modern experience tells us there's a wide, wide variety in living standards depending on where you are and what your circumstances are.
I feel I've moved us in a confusing direction with my argument over the TL5 GWP. I believe it's wrong. I believe very strongly that it's wrong; it violates basic principals of sociology and economics. However, it is a very minor detail affecting a tech level that does not in fact produce spaceships nor much wealth for its Imperial masters to spend on spacecraft. It's just, I have more knowledge of sociology than physics and react more viscerally when the game stomps on social sciences than when it stomps on physics. It's a button thing; it violates the willing suspension of disbelief necessary for one to sit down and play with sentient bipedal dogs and lions.
Here's the thing: the thread is about subsector fleet makeup. Drawing conclusions about subsector fleet makeup is essentially impossible without some vague idea of the economics underpinning the tax base that funds that fleet. CT canon gives us very, very little to go on when trying to understand those economics. Our best sources are a pair of wargames that weren't really intended to be drafted into that purpose and a pair of very different trade rules that were intended to provide a mouse eye view of the interstellar trade scene. Well, until someone comes up with better tools for the CT setting, we've little choice but to work with the tools we've got.
The two wargames seem to conflict, thus my early confusion as to your source for the 20% figure. However, if you look closely, they don't necessarily conflict - they're just answering different questions. Other than that seriously lamentable bit regarding the Tech Level 5 economy (I ain't backin' off, minor though the point may be), they work fine together if you assume TCS is giving you a picture of the overall economy and Striker is telling you what it would cost to import after considering both the economy and the impact of the
Merchant Prince trade rules. Or at least, they work as fine as any two products can work when they really weren't intended to work together. And, that TCS starship construction cost bit does serendipitously provide an economic basis for the ships-at-a-variety-of-tech-levels bit that canon is trying to sell us; without that, we're kind of left scratching our heads.
Which is to say: until such time as the powers that be give us something intended for the job, these will work tolerably well for the task of figuring out subsector fleet resources in someone's TU.