SOC-14 5K
HG supersedes 5KT spacecraft, with the capital class commencing at 2001 tons, presumably because hull structural integrity requires sectionalizing at this point.
HG supersedes 5KT spacecraft, with the capital class commencing at 2001 tons, presumably because hull structural integrity requires sectionalizing at this point.
What decreased efficiency? If I interpret the vanilla CT rules correctly, higher tech levels are not cheaper. Sometimes better, but never cheaper. If you build a jump-2 ship at TL15 that costs, say, 100 MCr, then it is MCr100 TL15 credits (equivalent to Imperial credits). If you build a similar ship on a TL11 world, it will cost MCr100 TL11 credits, which is equivalent to MCr60 Imperial credits.
So let's see how this works out:
The classic CT Book-2 free trader is MCr37.08 with 82 dT cargo, 10 staterooms and 20 low berths.
A TL9 HGII version of the same with the same performance, staterooms and berths, has 91 dT cargo space. Nice, but it costs MCr52.320 to construct (in quantity). On the other hand, a TL9 A-port under TCS delivers it at MCr36.624 Imperial. Okay, that actually works.
A TL15 version constructed at Rhylanor has 95 dT cargo - saved on drives. It costs MCr42.720 Imperial (in quantity).
Okay, I officially like that.![]()
I'm assuming Starport class A in all cases, so they are going to build ships for me. According to Striker Book 2, p. 39, credits from a TL11 world (with starport A) are worth 60% of the credits from a TL15 world.That 60% idea is interesting. That's a TCS bit: "All taxes are received in local credits, each worth one credit on its world of origin (when constructing or repairing ships there), but somewhat less in interstellar exchange." You're only getting 60% at an E port, which isn't going to be building ships for you (unless "you" in this case are that planet's governor building it for your planetary navy, as you pointed out earlier), but that's just a quibble.
Not asking you to do the designs and math if you haven't, but have you done cost/cargo TL calcs for the standard designs? If so, can you post them?
..."Honest Al's" TL14 vintage models still out there simply because they still work and can be bought real cheap. I honestly don't see why anything lower tech than that is still flying inside Imperial borders.
And, of course those odd but cheap little local-built ships like the Free Trader.
I'm assuming Starport class A in all cases, so they are going to build ships for me. According to Striker Bookj 2, p. 39, credits from a TL11 world (with starport A) are worth 60% of the credits from a TL15 world.
I have a vague memory that the credit conversion tables in Striker and in TCS differ, but I haven't seen my copy of TCS in a long time, so I can't compare them.
Carlo, the costs ARE in local credits in Striker. See rule 73.D., in Striker Bk 2, page 39.
D. Imported Equipment: It is possible for a world to purchase and import
military equipment of a higher tech level than may be produced locally. However,
such equipment is both more expensive and more difficult to maintain. The army
budget is received in local credits, and all purchases of equipment other than
imported equipment are in local credits. Imported equipment must
be purchased in credits of the exporting world.
Striker hits low-tech worlds twice... Fewer credits AND they're local credits. Stuff built at that local TL=9 SP=C world is 60%, before shipping, of the cost for the same built on a TL=15 SP=A world.
HG supersedes 5KT spacecraft, with the capital class commencing at 2001 tons, presumably because hull structural integrity requires sectionalizing at this point.
That Cr300/month is for offworlder in some form of lodgings.
Oh, and the data in Striker does match pretty well to "One Cr=One 1977 US $"
That Cr2000/year on a poor, non-ag, non-in world turns into Cr1024 per year at TL5... or Cr85 per 30 day terran month, or Cr78 per imperial 28 day month.
And, the benchmarks are from CT... which says (on page 109 of TTB)
Starvation Level: bare minimum of food, Cr60 per month; dismal lodging, Cr60 per month.
Subsistence Level: reasonable food, Cr120 per month; acceptable lodging, Cr180 per month.
Ordinary Level: good food, Cr209 per month; good lodging, Cr200 per month.
High Living: excellent food, Cr600 per month; excellent accommodations, Cr300 per month.
Which means that only on the worst of them is it not hitting at least starvation level.
And "no lodgings" (essentially, camping or squatting) is a viable option for many locals. Or if they own homes, they can reduce those costs as well.
They could afford about Cr6 per month in payments. Enough to cover maintenance on a hut or shanty.
So, basically what we're saying is, if you're TL5, half or more of of your population is squatting. Because you're TL5, and TL5 seems to mean no effective economy.
As you point out, worst case scenario evolves from a poor, non-ag, non-ind world, a population in the millions on a world that has difficulty producing food due to the limited water and largely absent atmosphere. In other words, the population has grown too big to feed itself but is not yet big enough to benefit fully from industrialization (assuming it can so benefit at some point on this world). On such a bleak world, with that Cr1024 average, we are presented with the specter of better than half the population not earning enough for subsistence-level food alone, and whatever shelter they have is improvised or donated. Tell me a cusp world on a lousy planet has a lousy economy and miserable conditions, I'll believe you. However, there's a lot more going on there than tech level.
What do you mean, "but"? "Canon" and "seriously broken" are basically synonyms.Ummm - no. Maybe that's canon, but it's seriously broken.
I don't particularly mind this situation existing. I don't think going to a TL 5 world should translate into time traveling to the 1920s. The concept that lower tech worlds can and do buy equipment (and hire personnel) from higher tech worlds in order to protect themselves also provides for a simple way of preventing unscrupulous adventurers from wreaking havoc without having to invoke the Imperium - which the world in question might not even be a member of.Ultimately that markup exists primarily so you don't have to explain why an infantry division with Garands isn't being supported by its own battalion of combat-armored gauss rifles wearing grav belts, which is something the trade rules can't do.
So, basically what we're saying is, if you're TL5, half or more of of your population is squatting. Because you're TL5, and TL5 seems to mean no effective economy.
(This is a revolution waiting for a trigger, though by the rules this particular situation is as likely to have a democratic government as a despotic one - it's just likely to change every few years. But, that's a criticism of the way we roll government type, an entirely different argument.)
At the other end, the TL5 world may be agricultural - an eden world with a population big enough to produce a lot of surplus, but not too big yet. It may be industrial - a really big population and many cities and industries. It may be rich. Could be agricultural and rich, that's not uncommon. Or it could fall in between and not earn any bonus. Could be anything from the Cr2000 basic to Cr2400 on a pleasant agri-world to as much as Cr3840 on a rich agriworld. And yet, much of the population is still barely eaking by. Because it's TL5.
Out the other way, our TL15 poor non-ind non-ag hellworld is enjoying an average income of Cr11,264. Yes, even many of the poor are enjoying, "High living," spending the equivalent of 600 1977 dollars per person per month on the best food and drink. (Of course, that could explain why so many of them tolerate totalitarian governments, bread and circuses and all that - but then that's not factored into the government roll either. Again, a different issue.)
On such a world, most everyone will be just above starvation, population growth will be negligible, and life will be generally miserable, yes. But most people also won't be buying their food (they'll be growing it). When there's no industry and no significant agriculture, there's no economy to speak of.
On a typical TL5 no-trade-codes, the average income is Cr166/30 days, or Cr153 per 28...
Easily enough for dismal lodgings, rented, and halfway between starvation and subsistence level, assuming no farming/gardens... but gardens are HIGHLY likely. If the average person on such a world is a subsistence farmer (much as the US was for the comparable era), they were cash poor.
The costs given are for a pure cash, "buy it all," mode. You can cut the effective costs in half if they're raising their own, or even to 1/4. (I know that I can buy 10# of potatoes for half what Wal*Mart charges by going out to the Farms outside of Palmer, and using my own bag.)