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Supplement 4 and CT Books 4-7

Has anyone done anything to bring Supplement 4 character creation in line with CT Books 4 through 7?

I'd like to have all character creation be similar, but the amount of work to do so is intimidating.

I've had some thoughts on this project and have formalized my first attempt: Pirates!
I'll post any work I do on this here, with in-thread links to edited posts.

Link within the thread. http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showpost.php?p=348408&postcount=13
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...the amount of work to do so is intimidating.

Bingo! :)

I expect many have started and few or none have finished. I know I started ages ago but then MT came out. And I seem to recall changing my goal to expanding the basic char-gen there to match the advanced ones in a similar way. With the same results. The amount of work was intimidating.

I feel wiser now, basic char gen and role playing is all I'd need or want to use :)
Has anyone done anything to bring Supplement 4 character creation in line with CT Books 4 through 7?

Here's what you have to remember...

You CAN use characters from both Basic and Advanced character generation methods in the same campaign IF you enforce the Hard Survival Rule.

In other words, if a character blows a Survival roll, he's dead. Start Over. That character is finito.

Those players who choose to use Advanced chargen have characters that as subject to many more (up to 400% more!) Survival Throws. Plus, these characters usually have to roll to see if they can obtain a skill.

Players who go with the Basic chargen method will be subject to a lot less situations where their character may die, and at least one skill per term is guarranteed.

Enforce that Survival Rule, and follow the rules as written (submit to the draft if enlistment is bricked--stuff like that), and you'll end up with characters that are all about the same no matter which chargen method you use.

But...you have to follow the rules as written, and you can't fudge on the Survival Rule. If you do, then you will have your Advanced characters with many more skills than your Basic characters.

It's the increased number of chances that will make you discard that character that is the balancing factor between the two systems.

For example, a player may want to play a Marine. He rolls enlistment and makes it. He's got what he wants.

But, if you don't enforce the Draft rule (miss enlistment, then you have to submit to the draft), then the player is not so afraid of the Surivival throws. Even if you are enforcing the Hard Survival Throw, he may be careless with his decisions because, if this character dies, he'll just roll up another Marine.

But, enforce the rules as written, and it's a whole new ballgame.

The player wants to play a Marine. He rolls and enlists! Now, he's picky about his chargen choices because, if this character dies, he may not be playing a Marine.

I've studied and studied the Traveller chargen systems, and they are intricate rules systems. Change one thing (like not enforcing the draft or not enforcing the Hard Survival Rule), and the entire system alters delivering results that you may not want.

BTW, I've done (and others have done) some intense statistical analysis on many of the Advanced Careers. And, to our chagrin, the average chance of obtaining skills with an Advanced Character typically (there is some variance) is about the same as the career's counter part in Basic Chargen. Chance of Death is about the same (lower numbers rolled up to four times per term or higher number rolled once per term).

Tell your players that you are enforcing all the chargen rules as written, and I think you'll be pleased with the outcome of your game.
Many of these have been done.
Pirates - (white dwarf 19 [Criminals] & starmercs from Hard Times also makes a good pirate)

Belters - I don't know about this one.

Sailors - HIWG document 2128 (Terry McInnes submitted an enhanced char gen to go with the "Wet Navy" series of articles in Challenge Magazine. It was never published.)

Diplomats - The Traveller Politician - Dragon 32

Doctors - Imperial Academy of Science & Medicine - JTAS 22 & 23 or Scientist - Challenge 29

Flyers - COACC

Barbarians - There are some threads here on COTI (Adventurer or book 9) that can cover this. Or Ares Magazine 16 has "Swords and Stars: Expanded Barbarian Career"

Bureaucrats - Another use for "The Traveller Politician"

Rogues - Criminals - White Dwarf 19 (includes Pirates, thieves, thugs, assassins, & Con men) or Other - Dragon 35

Nobles - I have something somewhere - usually I just use "The Traveller Politician" for these.

Scientists - See Doctors above....

Hunters - I may have something somewhere, I still have a lot of stuff to sort through.

I have a little list....

Enhanced Generation:
Journalist - Challenge 27
Police - Challenge 30
IRIS - Challenge 33 - 36
Skyport Authority
Navy - Dragon 25 (pre-High Guard)
Internal Bureau of Internal Security - Dragon 35
Scouts - Dragon 35 (pre-Scouts)
Merchants - Dragon 53 (pre-Merchant Prince)
Star Cops - Dragon 113
Terrorist - Space Gamer 46
Star Patrol - White Dwarf 20 (pre-Scouts)
Imperial Secret Service - White Dwarf 27
CORE - Consulary Office of Reconnaissance & Exploration - White Dwarf (because you can never have too many secret squirrel organizations)
Ministry of Justice - Special Branch - High Passage 1
Bounty Hunters - Dragon (I forget which issue)
Law Enforcement Career - www.traveller-tpp.com
"The Syndicate" here on COTI makes for some good criminals
Scientists: An Elaborated Career for Classic Traveller - by Neal Oldham

I believe I have some others, but I still need to dig around my computer for them.
Paranoia Press' Scouts & Assassins (Assassin and pre-Bk 6 expanded scouts)

JTAS has a an exanded college: Imperiam Academy of Science.
I guess I'm nuts, but I prefer the basic character creation over the advanced. I'm even going to do some house rules to create advanced-ish characters using the basic character creation rules. :)
I guess I'm nuts, but I prefer the basic character creation over the advanced. I'm even going to do some house rules to create advanced-ish characters using the basic character creation rules. :)

They've already been done... MT Player's manual!
I guess I'm nuts, but I prefer the basic character creation over the advanced. I'm even going to do some house rules to create advanced-ish characters using the basic character creation rules. :)

I like both. I usually use Basic, though. It's just easier.

Just FYI: There's an article in JTAS that instructs on how to create new careers for Traveller in Basic format. IIRC, MWM wrote the article.
I like the skill numbers you get with enhanced characters but if you look at the basic with no mods it can be the start of a boring campaign. I noticed that you could be a medic but not have any type of blade skill. I realize medical training is not equivalent to knife fighting but you do learn basic biology and at some point the use of a scalpel... Ok blathering, sorry..
appologies if this seems random...

Everything presented here is in addition to the information presented in Supplement 4-Citizens of the Imperium except where specifically noted.

New Concepts
Stash: Pirates do not have a Cash Benifits table, rather they acquire a 'stash' of ready money and easily sold goods. Each level of Stash is d6 x 500 cr.

Status:Most pirate groups are informal. The captain being the only one with a formal title. Given that pirate vessels are small, with few personel, status represents how much of the crew will listen to the character. Generally this represents the perceived competence and potential for profit of the character.

Assignment rolls are made for one year terms. Re-enlistment is as per Supplement 4.

Jail indicates that the Character has been caught, tried and incarcerated for a crime committed during the term, or as a result of a Warrant. A result of Jail will cancel out one Warrant.
Smuggling is the illegal receiving money for the transfer of goods or people. The goods or people may be transfered to avoid tarriffs and legal restrictions, or may be illegally acquired or both.
Piracy is the unlawful acquisition of goods and money by threat or violence. This may occur in space, or may be a result of raiding a planet's surface. This may also include robbery.
Privateering is similar to Piracy with the noted exception that an organization or authority figure has issued permission (as a Letter of Marque) to undertake acts of Piracy against specific target groups. This is usually done as an act of war. The issuer will purchase goods taken and the issuer allies will not regard the Privateer's actions as unlawful.
Legitimate activities are undertaken when the pirate group needs to "lay low". Individual pirates will take temporary work for other employers, for regular pay. Typically these are semi-skilled jobs for lawful employers, but not always.

Pirate Assignment Table

Roll: Assignment

2 Jail
3 Smuggling
4 Smuggling
5 Smuggling
6 Piracy
7 Piracy
8 Piracy
9 Privateering
10 Privateering
11 Privateering
12 Legitimate

Assignment Resolution
Jail Smuggling Piracy Privateering Legitimate
Survival 4+ 4+ 6+ 5+ auto
Status none 8+ 9+ 7+ 10+
Stash none 6+ 7+ 4+ 10+
Skill 10+ 8+ 5+ 5+ 8+
-DMs: For Skill +1 allowed for Intelligence 8+, +2 allowed for Intelligence 10+
For Stash +1 allowed for Intelligence 9+, For Status +1 allowed for Intelligence 9+

If Suvival is rolled exactly, the character acquires a Warrant. This is an order to arrest the character for a specific crime. This may have an effect on the character's adventuring career.

Skill Table
Use Tables from Supplement 4

Additional Skill Table
-to be used with Jail and Legitimate assignments

Die Skill
1 Brawling
2 Dagger
3 +1 Stren
4 Brawling
5 +1 Endur
6 +1 Educ
7 Vehicle
8 Mechanical
9 Admin

+3 DM for Legitimate Assignment

Mustering Out
Material Benefits

1-+1 Intel
3-Low passage
5-Mid passage
6-Vacc Suit

DMs-+1 allowed for Status 6+
First subsequent roll of 7 indicates that half vacant positions on the ship may now be filled by Non-player characters of the GM's choice. If no vacant positions are available, then this roll is ignored.
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Like Aramis, I use the MT basic careers. Note that I call the Pirate career "Privateer", and IMTU the Imperium uses Letters of Marque.

[aside: the forgotten 5FW-- Imperial merchants, armed as best they can, and some interesting private concerns properly licensed, against Zhodani commerce raiders in the Five Sisters/District 268/Glisten/Pax Rulin subsectors... well, that's my thought anyway]

Privateers are basically Naval Mercenaries. Remember, Pirates don't have to be bad guys.
That reminds me...

I had quite a few issues of "Space Gamer" back in the day. (Yes, I'm that old). Vaguely remember someone making some mods for Supp4 year by year conversion.
After 20-odd years I don't think I'm nibbling on any copyright toes but here's the basics...

Survival fail changed to invalided out, I think, for first 2 terms, then hard survival rule in effect.
Promotion is in half steps, you can't get promoted 2 full ranks per term but you can get 1 1/2, hanging on to fractions until next term.
Skills is a flat 6+ per year to receive anything normally.

Hope this helps!
Just a quick note to indicate that I've updated my thoughts on this. See entry #13 for my work on Pirates.

Feedback always appreciated.