Do you have any canonical information about how important interstellar trade is?
Wow. Seriously. Wow.
I can refer to canon explanations of how the 3I started and why. I can refer to canons focus on Merchants as one of the key careers. I can look up numerous canon books and get quotes just from the introductions. This one from Book 0, pg 8 "Introduction to Traveller", the very first sentance.
"Traveller is a science-fiction role-playing game set in the distant future, when humanity has made the leap to the stars and interstellar travel is as common as international travel is today."
Of course you could try arguing that was written in 1981 and international travel was not very common back then. Or perhaps that the presence of international travel does not mean there was any corresponding trade shipments. Best of luck with that.
Volume, value, kind? If so, I'd be right pleased to know what it is.
I know you have played with spreadsheets and engaged in debates on how to establish these figures. I'm not about to persuade you with quantitative data. I can however discuss qualitative data at length.
Hard Tmies implies that it can be vital if the world is dependent on technology for keeping up life support equipment ...snip
And why pick an extreme as an example. But regardless if you as the interdictor are concerned, let through life support equipment and medical supplies. If you like, let them import anything they like, just ban exports, that alone will cripple the economy.
You're arguing without evidence, though. How do you know what the profit is?
If someone is prepared to pay MCr12,000 (that's about twice the going rate)for a squadron of 1000T destroyers, someone is going to want to pocket that MCr6,000 profit. That's simply human nature. Demand and supply.
And how do you know someone is prepared to pay that much for a squadron of Destroyers? Where is your hard evidence and examples of widespread Destroyer importing by interdicted worlds.
Or people who believe that they won't get caught, or that enough will remain uncaught to pay for the loss of the ones that do get caught. I said "if the profit is commensurate with the risks" or words to that effect.
And the risk is the loss of your starship. I note the example above involves using someone elses starship (the Destroyers). Can you think of any 80tn cargos that will pay 20MCr for the delivery service ??? If you can, I'll consider risking my clapped out 20MCr Free Trader to deliver that.
Very few people are resigned to the consequences of getting caught. Some of them may be unrealistic in their expectations, but most of them will expect to get away with it. That's human nature too.
lol. You are not describing your typical multi-millionaire. Your typical business owner with a multi-megacredit asset. Your typical Captain used to taking responsibility for the lives of his/her passengers & crew. Or anyone that has convinced a financier he/she is worthy of being trusted to repay many, many megacredits.
In short, this is unconvincing. And I say this willing to accept there will be exceptions, as already noted in previous posts. But the exceptions don't drive interstellar commerce.
And again, how do you know what the potential profits are? The customers have to pay your price or go without. That's a really strong bargaining position.
Well, if you are prepared to pay a price that reflects that I am about to risk my home, my business, my credit rating, my legal status, my life, my freedom and my chosen way of life as a Starfarer. Well sure. The cost is 20MCr per 80 tons delivered. 50% up front, 50% on delivery.
And this is cheaper for the navy than employing their own assets how?
Pirating the blockade runners for thier ships boat shouldn't cost the Navy anything. Any why would you consider what are in effect Letters of Marque as an either/or choice. Most RL examples involved Privateers AND Nation State Navy.
What makes you think the Great Leader won't interpret the Imperium putting his world under interdict as a hostile act?
As well he should. He should have kept the diplomatic efforts up and more importantly, paid his taxes.
You didn't answer me the first time. This IS the same world that is being interdicted for getting in the Imperium's face in the first place, right?
In the context of my quoted paragraph it didn't make sense. I chose to delete my original reply in the interests of keeping my post shorter.
Happy to answer but you will need to explain the question a bit more.
The sector fleet is tied up at a dozen subsector capitals and a score of bases, being kept ready to react if the Big Neighbor attacks. And sending it off is going to cut into the sector duke's funds.
And your canon referances are? FFW demonstrates that penny packets are be defeated in detail in a major war where your opponent concentrates their forces. Mind you most strategists can tell you that.
Oh, the SDBs are for when the Imperium has smashed the original system defense fleet and left again, leaving behind one piddling patrol ship.
Lol, I never suggested you FINISH with a Patrol Cruiser. You START with a Patrol Cruiser. In many cases one can be optimistic that differances will be resolved to the 3I's satisfaction well before it becomes neccesary to crush the system defences. Why shift in the fleet when its not needed.
If the Imperium didn't want its high-population members to "throw their weight about", it shouldn't permit them naval budgets that can pay for system fleets that are five times bigger than the average numbered Imperial fleet. (Yes, 60% of 70% of 3% of GWP allows worlds like Trin to pay for something a lot bigger than the fleets described in MT:Rebellion Sourcebook). Granted, a sector fleet has more than five numbered fleets.
Ahh, the perils of relying on canon...
My preferred playground is CT plus interesting bits from later editions, so I can't comment on MT:Rebellion Sourcebook and I lack the time to read my pdf copy.
I can comment on Striker which indicates 30% of a worlds military budget is paid to the 3I. There are lots of reasons why this number shouldn't be taken as hard data, however as an indicator it is still valid. The question becomes one of why I should believe your implied position that an Empire of many, many tax paying, hi-pop worlds cannot if desired, totally crush the system defences of one High Pop world within its own borders.
The Spinward Marches, for instance, has 11 (Or 22 if you count the reserve fleets. Or 29 if you count the duchy navies; but there's no evidence to say how big those other fleets are). Still, smashing a planetary navy is going to cost. And you don't want to make the other high-population worlds believe that you might do the same to them. It has been argued that the high-population worlds ARE the Imperium. They're the ones that funds and build the ships that go into the Imperium's fleets.
Don't confuse the desire to be liked, with respect. The 3I commands respect, it earns that respect by providing security from outside threats and ensuring a degree of civility and trade between member systems. The high pop worlds don't have to like the 3I, they do have to pay taxes and for that they get a degree of interstellar stability.
And as I mentioned before (you must have missed it), there are no examples in history of small nations defying bigger neighbors in the face of steep odds, is there?
Didn't miss it, thought it was a rhetorical question. Every watched "300", it was based on fact. Ever looked at a RL map, its full of small nations. Global even continental unification has eluded the efforts of big neighbours throughout RL history.
I can mention Afghanistan vs the British & Russians several times. Veitnam held off the US. North Korea is still independent despite world opinion. Britian held off the German war machine in WW2. Turkey held off Britian, ANZACs anf French in WW1. Norway held off Russia in WW2. I can go on...
As I say, I thought the question was rhetorical or at least not a serious one!
(Side note: There are eight units to a Tigress squadron).
Depends on your choice of rules poison and whether you think 8 units is a practicle sub-unit for a Battleship or Dreadnought formation, I don't.
The referance for the 8 ships per BatRon comes from Fighting Ships, a document so flawed that IMHO it is nothing but Imperial propaganda and mis-information. It most certainly is not an authoritative essay on the structure and capability of the Imperial Navy.
That depends on the tech level of the world.
Absolutely. I'm still discussing high pop worlds run by religious fanatics, they don't generally have high stellar TL's.
If it's Trin or Mora or Glisten or Rhylanor, they'd laugh themselves silly over something that size.
Then send something more substantial. I don't run with the theory the Imperial Fleet lacks the assets or the will/funds to use them. I do run with the theory don't use the 10lb sledgehammer when the 8lb one will still flatten them.
You DO have exhaustive figures about the potential profits, it seems, since you can make such a positive statement. Care to share with the rest of us?
Lol, its you trying to convince me that its worth giving up my nice safe merchant role for the life of a borderline criminal, risking my retirement asset, a premature death or the long term hospitality of the Imperial Navy in return for...
Sure you will get some willing to try for the peanuts being offered. But you avoid explaining how those few will maintain trade volumes after the declaration of Interdiction by a single Imperial Patrol Cruiser.