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system fleet statistics?

Originally posted by The Oz:
If you look at the named colonial squadrons in FFW, you see which planets could afford to have serious naval squadrons of their own.

Porozolo: Pop A, TL A, 3 squadrons
Extolay: Pop 8, TL A, 1 squadron
Regina: Pop 8, TL A, 2 squadrons
Efate: Pop 9, TL D, 2 squadrons
Jewell: Pop 9, TL C, 2 squadrons
Zivije: Pop 9, TL B, 2 squadrons
Alell: Pop 8, TL A, 1 squadron
Wochiers: Pop 8, TL 9, 1 squadron
Equus: Pop 8, TL B, 1 squadron
Feri: Pop 8, TL B, 1 squadron
Note that this is all much less than these worlds could realistically afford to maintain, especially the high-population worlds.


It's true that FFW doesn't match up with TCS or STRIKER or LBB6.

However it does give us a simple, easy to use system to estimate planetary forces. It may be accurate; it may not, but it's there and you don't have to do any math to use it.
Dear Folks -

Originally posted by rancke:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The Oz:
There is a formula for finding the number of SDBs a system should have...
One thing to keep in mind is that this table is outdated. It is from a time when the population multiplier had not yet been introduced to Traveller. As a result, all systems count as effectively having a PM of 1.</font>[/QUOTE]Good point, Hans - I never even thought of that! Maybe I'll have to update my page.

BTW, for all those discussing "this system" vs "that system": from time to time, both Marc and Loren have pointed out that each game was designed to be balanced within itself. Sure, as much as possible, they made reference to other games, but the main thing was to make each game work as a self-contained entity.

Note that this is different from creating a simulation game such as Harpoon, where superior forces will almost certainly win. In this case, the entire game is skewed towards realism, and thus you need to work hard to create balanced, playable scenarios.

Even the "game" of character generation, as Marc once pointed out, is designed to create interesting PCs for players to play. It is thus skewed towards that end - and he warned against trying to extrapolate from the (necessarily limited) set of generated character types to a picture of the overall Imperial population.

IMNSHO, the FFW board game, overall, matches the few American Civil War games I've seen - if the Confederates (Zhos) can hit 'em hard early on, they'll win. If they allow the Yankees (Imperium) to regroup, the latter's better tech and support base will win out in the end.
