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T20 Drednaughts? What is the point?

My Second Printing of T20 states on PG. 162 "The Gunner attacks by making a Gunnery Skill Check roll..." Making it unique as far as I can tell in the D20 system. Now we can argue all day whether "calculating the result as if the character had rolled a 10" (pg. 64 T20) constitutes a "Natural 10" but to me the wording there says that is a Natural 10 to me. The problem is using a skill check to attack is apparently unique to T20 and only to gunnery.

I did forget about the concept of Magical Weapons, not having played D&D under these rules, (I last played AD&D back when EGG still owned TSR.) I hope you will excuse me on that oversight, but it still isn't a roll that you can Take 10 on because it isn't a skill roll.

Originally posted by Aramis:
One other thing: in the playtest drafts, it clearly said "Gunnery Attack Roll" before the formula.

That is missing in the final version.
T20 defines DC+10 or higher as a Great Success DC+20 as an Incredible Success. (Pg. 63) As far as Gunnery goes unless you are shooting at a High Agility, High AF fighter it is fairly easy to accomplish an Incredible Success with a typical Capital Ship and an "average" crew especially with a spinal mount.

Originally posted by Aramis:
You are correct that attack rolls aren't skill rolls.

Skill rolls become "exceptional success" by making DC+20. (3.0 CRI p 61) So, unless the Skill is at least diff+10, taking 10 DOESN'T crit a SKILL ROLL.