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T20 Starship Design Spreadsheet v1.5



Hot on the heels of v1.4 is v1.5 of my T20 Starship Design Spreadsheet. This one fixes some problems with missile damages. It is available form my T20 Downloads page.

Looks interesting, but I can't download it. It asks me for a username and password before I'm allowed to download the file. Is there something I'm missing here? I didn't see anything on your web page about signing up or getting a pssword. I am interested in using the spreadsheet, if I can get it to download.
Originally posted by AaronKohura:
Looks interesting, but I can't download it. It asks me for a username and password before I'm allowed to download the file. Is there something I'm missing here? I didn't see anything on your web page about signing up or getting a pssword. I am interested in using the spreadsheet, if I can get it to download.
Yikes, it shouldn't do that! Have you tried to right-click it and "Save Target As"? I'll do a test on a workmates PC and see if they get the same problem.
OK, it worked for my fellow workerbee. Hmmm, does your internet access prevent you from downloading XLS files? I know several other people have downloaded and used it successfully, so perhaps try again. Otherwise give me an email address and I'll send it to you directly.
Just a dumb question, Does the EP's for meson (spinal Mount)gun's come as a part of the spinal mount?????, If not it dosnt come up as a part of the Ep number in your ship calculator ??????.
Yes it is a wonderful spreed sheet.
Originally posted by Lionel Deffries:
Just a dumb question, Does the EP's for meson (spinal Mount)gun's come as a part of the spinal mount?????, If not it dosnt come up as a part of the Ep number in your ship calculator ??????.

I'm not sure I'm understanding your question, because the answer seems obvious to me. The number of EPs required to fire a spinal mount (either type) display in the rightmost column in the Spinal Mount's USP row (cell K85 to be precise). You will need to select the spinal mount type (1=PA, 2=Meson) first, and then select the desired USP for the weapon. The TL of the weapon selected will appear in the blue box to the left of the USP.

Is that what you wanted to know? Is your copy of the spreadsheet doing something different?
Right-clicking worked. Apparently, the problem the first time was I looked at the spreadsheet through the website, and it thought I was trying to modify it. My mistake.
After fooling around with the spreadsheet for a few minutes, I have a question. How do you create a turret with a mix of weapons? I tried entering the data in the turret/barbette section for each weapon ( 1 mining laser and 1 sandcaster), and it said I needed two hardpoints. I tried entering the weapon types just in the mixed turret area, but it didn't subtract the tonnage and add the cost. If I change the turret type to double in the turret/barbette area, it counts each weapon twice. Please help! :confused:
Originally posted by AaronKohura:
After fooling around with the spreadsheet for a few minutes, I have a question. How do you create a turret with a mix of weapons? I tried entering the data in the turret/barbette section for each weapon ( 1 mining laser and 1 sandcaster), and it said I needed two hardpoints. I tried entering the weapon types just in the mixed turret area, but it didn't subtract the tonnage and add the cost. If I change the turret type to double in the turret/barbette area, it counts each weapon twice. Please help! :confused:
Short answer - that area doesn't work yet. I think the notes to v1.3 mentioned this. I'm finding myself lacking inspiration for the whole mixed turret thing - but I will get to it (eventually
Nice to see improvements still coming. Two suggestions:

1) Agility assumes you're using whichever drive needs the most power. That's fine if the M-drive is the same or bigger than the J-drive. but if the J-drive is bigger, the sheet may not give you the real agility of the ship while running the m-drive.

For example, I have a 100-ton ship, J-5, 3G, with a Model 5 computer and no other energy-using systems. The ship has 8 EPs from the power plant, which is enough to power the J-drive and the computer. With only the M-drive and computer in use, I've got 2 EP left, which should give me Agility 2, but the spreadsheet says Agility 0.

This happens because the sheet is using the EP total at K148 to figure agility. that number is good for making sure you have enough power for either jump or maneuver, but it always uses the bigger number, even if it's the J-drive, which won't be running most of the time the ship needs to maneuver.

Here's what I'd do. In cell C152, replace "K148" with "SUM(K26,K38:K146)" That gives you agility based on the surplus power available while the M-drive is running, regardless of how much power tthe J-drive will need.

2) For mixed turrets, how about just having a couple of lookup tables with the possible combinations? First you chose double or triple turret, which determines which table to look on. Then you enter a number that corresponds to the combination you want. The spreadsheet gets the total cost, EPs, and the text description all from the lookup table. You won't even need the separate lines for each weapon, just one for the right combo.

Even if you mix pulse and beam lasers in the same turrets, I think these are all the possible options:

1 P-laser, 1 B-laser
1 P-laser, 1 Missile
1 P-laser, 1 Sand
1 B-laser, 1 Missile
1 B-laser, 1 Sand
1 Missile, 1 Sand

2 P-laser, 1 B-laser
2 P-laser, 1 Missile
2 P-laser, 1 Sand

2 B-laser, 1 P-laser
2 B-laser, 1 Missile
2 B-Laser, 1 Sand

2 Missile, 1 P-laser
2 Missile, 1 B-laser
2 Missile, 1 Sand

2 Sand, 1 P-laser
2 Sand, 1 B-laser
2 Sand, 1 Missile

1 P-laser, 1 Missile, 1 Sand
1 B-laser, 1 missile, 1 sand
On the idea of lookup tables for double/triple turrets, you missed one possibility (the one I was trying to use), 1 mining laser and 1 sandcaster. Good for Seeker class, since it has one slot open on a double turret in the standard design.
Originally posted by AaronKohura:
On the idea of lookup tables for double/triple turrets, you missed one possibility (the one I was trying to use), 1 mining laser and 1 sandcaster.
Actually, I missed a whole of permutations. Adding the mining laser adds about a dozen more options. Might not be the best solution then.