do follow your advice sir.
Sinbad, ACT is Avenger Classic Traveller. It is MJD's set of house rules that he was going to publish--a sort of upgrade to Classic Traveller. From what I heard, MWM pulled the plug on that one for fear that it might compete with T5.
As far as ACT's flaws, the task system had a major flaw (not unlike T4's) that overweight's stats in favor over skill, and a some minor flaws as well. It definitely could be improved upon, and it's no match for the UGM (I say that not because I wrote the UGM but because I really believe it.).
On ACT vs. UGM, S4, please don't forget to add
"In my opinion.."
Seriously, though. Let's not discuss ACT. People seem to mysteriously get censored and banned when such criticisms of Avenger products start to appear. I was banned from the Avenger/Comstar forum, and Shaman, just a day or so ago, was banned from he CotI after he stated his dislike of Avenger's stuff.
You are quite mistaken about the Shaman. He was banned, as was Malenfant for breaking the rules here on CoTI about bad behavior.
I really don't have a beef with "Avenger" stuff, just the ACT task system. I haven't looked at Avenger stuff closely enough to make an opinion. But, as far as the ACT task system is concerned, I know it's broken.
Interesting opinion there. Hard to prove since you weren't there to see it finished to render such a judgement.
(On second thought, I'm killing my comments here. That's all I'll say for now on ACT and Avenger. I've already had my UGM thread deleted once by what I suspect was censorship...let's not raise the anger of the tiger again.)-S4
Note 1: I did not delete your UGM thread.
Note 2: I did not censor this post. Nor will I--it falls within the rules after all of civility.
Note 3: Accepting bad behavior from fans as acceptable behavior when you agree with them does not make it acceptable to the rules established by this board. Nor to those who Moderate it.
Note 4: Go call MWM and sell him the UGM concept yourself. By pass Hunter, bypass MJD, and get it it in print.
Have a nice St Patrick's day,
This *tiger* now pads back to the rocky outcrop to watch the well behaving herd in the shade..