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T5 status

I am not a doctor; I don't have any patience. :D

Seriously, tho, I am looking forward to the release. I have a lot of pending projects, and hope to be able to get back in the groove in the near, rather than far, future.

[ And I won't apologize for the pun-ishment, either ;) ]
I assure you, Marc appreciates the Calm exhibited by the majority of posters. And I thank you for subtly reminding people to check the spam folder.

Better, tho': whitelist farfuture@gmail.com, and travellerrpg.com

Done. Neither the COTI list or T5 kickstarter list emails ever presented a problem until that particular T5 email got labelled as spam by a Gmail powered account.

And I'm calm like a hummingbird ;)
This site is not secure. So I'm not able to safelist emails from here. No problem though to check my spam folder for stuff. It don't matter how emails get to me.
Is the intent to push the 5.10 update on DTRPG as with the 5.09 update?

Will the rules on Dying be re-added? (they are missing in 5.09 for those who are unaware)

Sorry if that was answered before, I read a few pages back only.
Is the intent to push the 5.10 update on DTRPG as with the 5.09 update?

Will the rules on Dying be re-added? (they are missing in 5.09 for those who are unaware)

Sorry if that was answered before, I read a few pages back only.

Where are these rules? T5.00 or playtest?
The death rules aren't there, that's the problem. To my understanding they are in previous versions and got left out. I never verified that, but I didn't have any reason to not trust who told me.

Since I had 5.00 out and next to the computer from my foray into remembering the original V2, I just checked. There's no specific rules for dying in chargen, although you can be pretty severely injured on the RvsR rolls for the more action-oriented careers. That's likely to be a problem as you get older (you check for ageing every 2 terms), and could potentially result in early death as you don't have the characteristic buffer to prevent it (you die the second time you fail the age test for three stats which are reduced to 0), but I think that any character who wound up in that situation would probably have been abandoned before reaching that point, and if you take more than 3 points of characteristic damage in a single term, you're medically retired.
Followed a suggestion and emailed the "company" (since direct messages on Facebook, and Kickstarter have gone unanswered) with several questions. Got a response within just days to just one of the questions (last one on the list and thus least important). I pushed back for a response on the other item and it's now been 2 weeks with no response. I even included copies of messages sent through kickstater to him that have gone unanswered (these date from 2014 to late 2018) in an attempt to show him that this is not a new issue but something I've been trying to get information on for sometime. I would have included emails and facebook messages I'd sent but I'm having difficulty locating those at this time.

I'd say Miller is doing a great job of convincing me he is not just another Whitman.
Followed a suggestion and emailed the "company" (since direct messages on Facebook, and Kickstarter have gone unanswered) with several questions. Got a response within just days to just one of the questions (last one on the list and thus least important). I pushed back for a response on the other item and it's now been 2 weeks with no response. I even included copies of messages sent through kickstater to him that have gone unanswered (these date from 2014 to late 2018) in an attempt to show him that this is not a new issue but something I've been trying to get information on for sometime. I would have included emails and facebook messages I'd sent but I'm having difficulty locating those at this time.

I'd say Miller is doing a great job of convincing me he is not just another Whitman.

Marc often puts off questions that no answer yet as he gets to the point of having an answer.

He is good about getting to things, just not immediately or sometimes in a quick manner. It takes him time for some inquiries. Feel free to run any inquiries by me and I'll do my best to get you responses. I speak with him several times a month as we coordinate FFE business.

Sorry for the delay I've been working out of town.

I could provide you with the questions I put to him but I wouldn't believe any answers you provided since you are not him and after 6 years I really don't have enough faith in anyone associated with this project to really believe anything they say. I've been sending Marc messages asking for updates and information regarding this ... since 2014 with no response. At this point I likely wouldn't put much faith in anything he had to say either. Especially after the last exchange mentioned in the previous post.

I figured I would give one last try. Mention it here and see if that got him to respond. It did not.
Sorry for the delay I've been working out of town.

I could provide you with the questions I put to him but I wouldn't believe any answers you provided since you are not him and after 6 years I really don't have enough faith in anyone associated with this project to really believe anything they say. I've been sending Marc messages asking for updates and information regarding this ... since 2014 with no response. At this point I likely wouldn't put much faith in anything he had to say either. Especially after the last exchange mentioned in the previous post.

I figured I would give one last try. Mention it here and see if that got him to respond. It did not.

Is there any chance you'd just ask the question(s) here and see if someone else knows the answer(s)?
Sorry for the delay I've been working out of town.

I could provide you with the questions I put to him but I wouldn't believe any answers you provided since you are not him and after 6 years I really don't have enough faith in anyone associated with this project to really believe anything they say. I've been sending Marc messages asking for updates and information regarding this ... since 2014 with no response. At this point I likely wouldn't put much faith in anything he had to say either. Especially after the last exchange mentioned in the previous post.

I figured I would give one last try. Mention it here and see if that got him to respond. It did not.

Marc doesn't read the forums. Sometimes we flag stuff for his attention, and he reads that.

Simply put, progress is being made; it's slow going, and the other person most involved in the process died last year. Getting rude about it here is counterproductive, and make note: I do find the above quote post both rude and technically a violation of the board rules. (Falling under the personal and group attacks prohibition.)

That you don't believe progress is happening? I can't speak to your mental state. I can say that I got a new partial draft for review in late 2018... and have seen commentary on sections I'll never use going on, pretty hefty discussions. The people I know are involved in those discussions include (listing by username) Maksim Smelchak, Robject, Cryton, Magnus Thornwood, tjoneslo, Supplement 4 (tho' I haven't seen much from him this year). I know there are others involved.

Since december, much of the discussion is on personal combat. I don't pay much attention to that, since I don't grasp the T5 combat rules, and dislike the T5 Character Generation... I can't make heads nor tails of what that progress is, and have little motivation to do so, but the discussion is a bacak and forth, it is happenng, and your accusing those folks of some conspiracy... It really, deeply, profoundly offends me.

What the rest of the staff decide to do about your post, and its implicit attack on their collective character, is up in the air. We are all volunteers, in both the T5 process and Board Staff.
On a lighter note, I'm dreading the release as I have a whole bunch of iOS apps that will need updating. ;) That'll give me something to do for the next year.
I continue to wait with the patience of one who is utterly helpless to affect the progress of this project. twitch...twitch...twitch...
Marc posted in the Moot Audience Hall that more word would be out next week. There will be three books of roughly 300 pages each.