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T5 status

Any chance of transcriptions for those of us who will not touch facebook with a jumpbarge?

most of what has been said has already been paraphrased by myself above. I will see if I can get a transcription (or at least an Image of the Combat example) to post here.
Any chance of transcriptions for those of us who will not touch facebook with a jumpbarge?

combat example as promised:



Q: why isn't the bridge knocked out.

Space Combat is Schrödingerian. A hit may put a location OOA Out-Of-Action, but only after the battle do you find out if it is Destroyed. Or, during the battle, Damage Control may Brigit back into operation.

Schrödingerian. It's a word. I think it's a word.
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Space Combat

"Murphy catches Gryphon unawares"

...at 50km.

"...the attacker moves close, about 5km"

Nice to know that star ship combat will be taking place at ranges Lord Nelson would be comfortable at.

I saw that as well - not sure how you can sneak up on someone in space...maybe they just don't use their sensors and peer out of the windows...
I saw that as well - not sure how you can sneak up on someone in space...maybe they just don't use their sensors and peer out of the windows...

It could be that one of the ships just jumped in from out-system, though that would still be quite the stroke of luck to be at 50km range, even if you conclude that in-jumping ships' emergence points tend to cluster within a particular spatial region @ ~ 100D relative to their destination, depending on where they are jumping in from.

Of course, one ship could have been hiding behind an asteroid or in another sensor blind spot as well; the example text does not give the background details of the encounter.

Note also that in T5, ranges of "R=" tend to be used for planetary/ground combat; space combat and detection ranges tend to use "S=" and are much longer ranges than "R=" ranges, so this is in itself an unusual encounter example.
Murphy moves closer to R=5 ... The attack is 5D < ( Wpn TL-10 + Console-12 + Mods=0 = ) 20 or less.
Should be 22?

Without the sensor DM it will be very difficult to hit at anything but very short range, as shown in the example...

Seems the whole AV × 100 vs. Heat is removed, thankfully.
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The Trader is aware of the Scout, just not that it intends to attack?

I have Pilot - 0 so I don't know what minimum traffic separation is supposed to be.

But, given the impossibly vast reaches of space, if another ship starts closing to within 50 km uninvited and with no reason given, my first reaction is that something's up.

Obviously we'll need to see the complete rules to make a judgement, but if you asked me "what ship-to-ship combat example starts at 50 km and closes distance from there" I don't know if I'd have picked any flavour of Traveller. Harpoon, maybe.
Perk for T5.1 -> Crew Cards


As we approach May Day, and the upcoming Kickstarter for the T5 reprint, we have a variety of rewards. One is Crew Cards: a small set of pre-generated crew for a Free Trader. We have been experimenting with cards for the past couple of years, and they really add to the table-top experience, and give players something to handle as they play.


QA on this subject

Q: Michael Davidson I have a wife and two daughters who play: can I specify a (mostly) female crew?

A:Marc Miller Yup