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T5 status

T5 is moving the setting forward to the 1900s.

It would be a bit silly to have yet another version of the Third Imperium since there are already so many contradictory versions out there.
CT Imperium Library Data Supplements
Do we really need a fifth stab at describing the same setting?
Which raises the odd question: will there still be a Third Imperium book or is that material now integrated with the three book set?

neither. The official setting is Milieux 1900, not M1100. It is slated for the Marches as an expansion book to T5, and a Galaxiad book, as well, providing the setting materials.

For those who bought T5.0 to T5.09 direct from Marc or in PDF on DTRPG, there is an upgrade path. Marc will send out an email.
Traveller5 Update

Apr 24, 2019

Since this Traveller5 Kickstarter competed, we have been working a variety of projects:

We released an errata fixed version which also added an index (called Traveller 5 dot 09).
I wrote (and many of you supported) the Traveller novel: Agent of the Imperium.
We published Loren Wiseman's memoirs: Grognard.
Other things happened as well: heart surgery; recovery. (I am doing well now.)
But all along, I have been working on Traveller5 (dot 10). And it’s ready.

Some of you have been with Traveller5 since its Beta release in 2008. Others since this Kickstarter. And others have come on board since. To all of you, thank you for your support and your patience. (and alas, some of you have been impatient, for which I sympathize).

Backers for this Kickstarter received (among other things) electronic download PDFs though DriveThruRPG. When we post the updated Traveller 5 (dot 10), you will receive those new files automatically. We will post an update here when the files are in place. If you got a T5 CDROM, we can provide the new CDROM at no cost (free!) with any order for a CDROM from our site at farfuture.net. OR, as a stand-alone replacement for $7 (covers duplication and shipping).

We’re doing a new Kickstarter to promote and back physical printing of the new version: three Big Black Books in a slipcase. Total usable page is around 800 pages, but more usable in the new three book format.

May Day!

You may see Star Wars promotions around May The Fourth, but Traveller’s Day is May 1: May Day. That’s when we’ll kick off the new Kickstarter on May Day (probably at 12:01 AM, and I’ll probably jump the gun a little bit and make it GMT. I’ll post appropriate updates here as well.

And now for some details about Traveller5 (dot 10):

We have broken it into three books reminiscent of the original Little Black Books (Book 1 Characters and Combat; Book 2 Starships; Book 3 Worlds and Adventures).
We have significant added content, most visibly a space combat system that incorporates Role-Playing in resolution, and a similar personal combat system.
There are lots of examples. An index in each book.
The New Kickstarter will include an introductory adventure set: The Voyages of the Free Trader Insert-Name-Here, covering operations on Regina subsector.
And more. Lots more.

I’ll end with my appreciation: for you as backers of this Kickstarter, and of the ones since. For all Traveller players and writers and just fans. Thank you to one and all.


If the above post was an email then for some reason I did not receive that email. Check spam filter etc...
Knew the content but would have appreciated the mail.
PRICE Confirmed 100USD for all books.


There is a question about price: the Traveller5 Core Rules slip-cased 3-book set is $99.99. That compares with the three book D&D 5e set at $150, and the Cthulhu 7e slip-cased 3-book set at $129.95.

The Kickstarter $100 level includes the 3-book slip-cased set, plus the electronic version on CDROM ($35) and some swag.

Kickstarter begins on Mayday. Fulfillment (the printed book) is in August.
Yup, got the email so hopefully all original kickstarter backers still on the database did too.

I'm looking forward to this.

Wonder if there will be any stretch goals?
I also got the email from Kickstarter so that's good, was concerned I had somehow slipped thru the cracks. It's been a long time since that 5.0 CD shipped ;)
Is there a new Kickstarter? I see one post that says it starts May Day, but another that says it just completed. I'm confused.
OK, I'm confused about something, and maybe someone who is "in the know" can clarify.

Marc's announcement includes this: "Backers for this Kickstarter received (among other things) electronic download PDFs though DriveThruRPG. When we post the updated Traveller 5 (dot 10), you will receive those new files automatically. We will post an update here when the files are in place. "

Also this: "We’re doing a new Kickstarter to promote and back physical printing of the new version: three Big Black Books in a slipcase."

In the original KS (Traveller 5th Edition, begun in 2012), there is a comment at the bottom from a Che Webster that asks: "Will we receive the updated files before the Kickstarter?"
Marc's response to this: "The updated files are planned for release in July-August, at the same time we do fulfillment."
I presume he is talking about the fulfillment of the 2nd KS (Traveller Fifth Edition), which is not yet live.
(link to this conversation: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/traveller5/traveller-5th-edition/posts/2488646 )

I'm wondering if the 'updated files' asked about are the download PDFs mentioned in Marc's update.

So the clarification I'm looking for is: Will the download PDFs (from the 1st Kickstarter) only be available after the 2nd Kickstarter is done?

I ask because if the game really is in a final state, then I would get the books (even tho I'm PDF-only these days). But if I can't see the PDF until after the 2nd KS is done, then I won't know if it's actually done.

Thanks in advance...
I'm wondering if the 'updated files' asked about are the download PDFs mentioned in Marc's update.

These files will be the 5.1 PDFs as per Marc's update​

So the clarification I'm looking for is: Will the download PDFs (from the 1st Kickstarter) only be available after the 2nd Kickstarter is done?

5.0 and 5.9 are already available free to those who did the first kickstarter back in 2013, this new one will add 5.1 pdfs as well.​
Full set of three will be 100$usd with the slip case https://www.facebook.com/marc.miller.79274/posts/10155925315990458

a pure PDF only version will be less - but Marc as of yet has not said how much yet. (April 25)

to add a USB copy of the 5.1 will be a 5$ add on

to just donate and get your name on the list will be a 2$ pledge

there will be a free trader perk that involves cards and crew for a ship in the Traveller universe (I don't fully understand it yet) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1658963721026316/permalink/2284628178459864/
*Ok update on this part... much clearer now*

Marc has posted a small sample of starship combat on facebook

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The PDF is identical between the new KS and for the old KS's next (immanent) update. If you were in KS#1, you want to do KS#2 for physical books, and/or getting in on the PDFs for the later books.