ken at sunrise
Khouth is a subsector Capital and an Importance 4 world without any X-Boat lines going to in on the map?
Khouth is a subsector Capital and an Importance 4 world without any X-Boat lines going to in on the map?
Not THAT strange in Corridor sector. Lemish is not on the trade routes either.Even so, a subsector capital completely without X-Boat connections is pretty strange.
Khouth is a subsector Capital and an Importance 4 world without any X-Boat lines going to in on the map?
How do you calculate X-Boat routes?
I try and connect all type A starports more than two hexes apart, using lower quality ports as necessary. Starport type is a decent proxy for importance, and I figure trade between closer worlds will diffuse information quickly, so the Imperium only needs to fund the longer/less profitable hops.
Well, they are looking at upgrading and fixing errata in the Travellermap database anyway. You are not making anyone change the map, but the map is being upgraded anyway, and some bugs are noted in the x-boat route.I didn't mean to make anyone change the map. I was just asking.
Not THAT strange in Corridor sector. Lemish is not on the trade routes either.![]()
Strangeness factor 8 :devil:Lemish is strange too.
Hey we are not strange in the Corridor!
We are the gateway to the Marches; we are the keepers always on watch; we are wealthy because of our trade and strong because of our duty to the Imperium; we negotiate with and defend against the Vargr. We are guardians and friends, gatekeepers and merchants, nobles and common side by side in a small slice of the galaxy.
Hey I think I like that. Maybe I should make it my signature.
20 numbered fleets in two named fleets (The Corridor Fleet and The Corridor FleetThe Corridor has one third the stars, 15 named fleets...
Hmm... this thread has really run off the rails of semi-officialness, and I certainly did my part to help!
Some of the existing Xboat routes are just plain strange.
Marc likes the odd ones. Somewhere years ago I drew up a completely different set of jump-4 routes for the Domain of Deneb because the official ones annoyed me so much.
The original and allegedly still current purpose of the X-Boat network is to connect Capital with the sector and subsector capitals. That's what it's FOR! Khouth is not too out of the way; it is one of the specific targets for the network. It's extremely difficult to imagine any justification for not connecting to every single subsector capital. If you go with the notion that the X-Boats are a huge, functionally irrelevant boondoggle by the Classic Era, it is theortically possible that it could skip a capital and no harm done, but it would look extremely peculiar. I think that just for the sake of appearances, the X-Boat oligarchs would include them all. It's a real belief-suspender-straining feature that Khouth doesn't have an X-Boat connection. Even a redundant one.If Marc wants an X-Boat Route going to Khouth that's good; I'm fine either way. Maybe it was just too out of the way Coreward?
Memory Alpha is one of the adventures I don't have, but from what I've read it is a Milieu 0 adventure set in Core, so I don't understand what it has to do with Khouth Subsector. Are you thinking about some other adventure?Corridor in particular is a blend of 1120 data from TD#18 and 1105 data from Memory Alpha. In the former, Khouth may have fallen to Vargr incursions.
Memory Alpha is one of the adventures I don't have, but from what I've read it is a Milieu 0 adventure set in Core, so I don't understand what it has to do with Khouth Subsector. Are you thinking about some other adventure?