Lemishian issues
I note that Memory Alpha says Lemish is am M5V and an M2V star. Travellermap says M1V and M2V star. As newly minted baron of Lemish, I started worldbuilding, using the Travellermap data. I would respectfully request that the stars for Lemish stay what they are. Personally I do not believe they need to change from the present travellermap.com data.
Post 1115, I am a bit confused. Travellermap and Memory Alpha state the population of Lemish as 1 million, ie, a population of 6 (millions) and a factor of 1. During either the Vargr raids in 1117 and 18, after the Imperium left, and/or during the Virus attack in 1130, a million Lemishi are killed. If there are only a million Lemishi to begin with, well, you can see the problem. I am unsure how to fix this. Saying the population is "really" 1.9 million seems kind of a cheat.
Obviously a larger population would increase the military and tax budgets and allow better defenses of the system.