Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
This begs the question, why does a ministry of conservation seek to change the environment of a whole planet? Not a definition of conservation I've ever come across
In a word - Politics.
Some Imperial big wheel(s) want the project to happen. Why? Delightfully, that's left up to we as GMs. The
SMC authors have given us nice fat amber zone/adventure/campaign hook.
Let's see, I'll come up with six 'reasons' because that's an old amber zone tradition.
1 - It's a test bed for certain environmental improvement techniques that the megacorp or ministry will ultimately use to 'tweak' the climates of better worlds than Thisbe to a 'Tahitian Ideal' model; i.e. blue skies, white beaches, just enough surf, and comely native girls wearing nothing but flowers in their hair and bearing potent potables in frost covered glasses... (sorry, got off on a tangent there...)
2 - It's a promise to a now dead, long term, utterly loyal, Ducal House of Trin family retainer from Thisbe. Theodore a'Thisbe faithfully served three dukes and enthralled them all as children with his 'horror' stories about growing up on that blighted world. When 'Teddy' died, the current duke decided to honor his memory be starting the project. The fact that it will employ tens of thousands and dump quite a few MegaCrImps into the local subsector economy has nothing to do with it at all.
3 - As in 2 above, but Theodore a'Thisbe is blackmailing the Ducal House of Trin into sponsoring the project. After serving three dukes, he knows about every skeleton in every closet. He even knows things the current duke doesn't know. The project is at heart a sham, designed to look like the real thing while 'envoys' of the current duke beat the bushes for 'Teddy' and his memories.
4 - The project is the result of Sharurshid string-pulling at Capital. Sharurshid generally feels that it's 'share' of government projects Behind the Claw isn't as great as it should be, particularily when compared with the Imperial largess other megacorps slurp from the Marches' trough. When it was pointed that Sharurshid didn't really have anything to offer the Marches in the way of goods or services, a very old feasibility study from a long ago business acquisition was dredged up, dusted off, had it's numbers fiddled, and rammed through the appropriations process. The Thisbe Project is little more than a case of megacorp welfare.
5 - As in 4 above, but neither Thisbe, the duchy, or the sector feel the project is needed. The people of Thisbe believe this in very strongly. However, the project has been okayed at the Domain level (primarily as a trade off with several other parties involving fleet ration pricing, vocational educaton support programs, and moehair subsidies) so the project will go through. Officials from the duchy and sector are dragging thier feet, while Thisbe itself has begun to perform a little sabotage. A group of officials sent from Domain to ramrod the project are teariing their hair out. A few are even having second thoughts.
6 - The project is actually a cover for a combined IN/IISS project testing new methods for detecting and monitoring deep space ice bodies. While the IN and IISS are testing new equipment and techniques for Kuiper/Oort object denial, a few such objects are directed inward towards Thisbe to maintain the 'cover'.
How's that?
Have fun,