So, I was just thinking and had a realization (that I may have had before and forgotten) and was wondering who else has come to the same conclusion. Given the problems inherent in ship-to-ship combat, boarding, and capture in the OTU Traveller (though perhaps slightly less so in a Bk2 SSU), is the "real" model not "Pirates of the Spinward Main" but instead "Space Vikings"?
Given the early source material used, this actually seems to make far more sense. That pirates are actually looting settlements rather than trying to intercept ships in transit. It certainly still gives the navy an important anti-piracy role, and one that emphasizes patrol and ports-of-call rather primarily strategic deployments.
Given the early source material used, this actually seems to make far more sense. That pirates are actually looting settlements rather than trying to intercept ships in transit. It certainly still gives the navy an important anti-piracy role, and one that emphasizes patrol and ports-of-call rather primarily strategic deployments.