SOC-14 5K
There was a guy recently who won a million dollars in the lottery. The police busted him a few months later buying a quarter-million dollars of methamphetamines.
Logic does not always apply in real life. Especially when we're discussing (as mentioned above) the vagaries of human behavior. One thing that always bugs me about discussions of criminal gains is how folks talk about "retiring" once a score is done. Take a look at real life and you don't see a whole lot of retirements in the criminal sector by choice...
I was going to crunch some imaginary numbers to point out that a single planetary raid even on a low TL might net more than a month of trading but that essay scooped my feeble goals and accomplished far more.
But I'm completely down with the planetary raid thing. Let's shift a bit...
So hostages/insurance... let's discuss. Or, to take a modern day equivalent, ransoming cargo and ships as well. Most of the money that comes from such activities is paid by insurance companies. Let's say you can't sell the ship with much ease... but an insurance company may deal with you for a smaller amount. Who brokers these deals? Are they done outside Imperial Space? Clearly it's an Imperial crime so you don't want the Navy/MOJ breathing too hard down your neck. How do you make contact with the insurance company... a sleazy interstellar law firm in the Duchy of Stoner or independent planet? How do you show "proof of ship" are there contractors who negotiate or recover for insurance companies? Where do you store the ship while working out the details? Could be nation-states involved as well as you might need protection or, at a minimum, a bulwark against straight Imperial invasion.
Hostages are harder. Anyone important enough to be ransomed is on average likely to be an Imperial noble and that's not a good thing. I would guess a lot of corp execs hold some kind of patent. But insurance plans cover ransom demands all the time in our solar system so why not out there... An added risk for traveling in the Spinward Marches/Trojan's Reach or Gateway Domain.
I have an odd feeling that the Vargr have an entire economy based on ship/hostage ransoms... just a feeling, mind you. That Corridor sector is just soooo accessible.
What about Xboat acquisitions? Nah, too likely to involve the Navy. The whole point is to stay low profile enough that the insurance company/family/corporation thinks its easier and cheaper to simply pay the ransom rather than alert the Imperials.
And it can't be megacorporations since that's as bad as hitting an Imperial asset. They have access to the same type of "over-response" as the Navy.
So we have subsector corporations, system corporations, and maybe foreign governments or corporations. Those definitely work.
Another premium would be talent. A kidnapping of a renowned scientist? Sell him to the highest bidder...
Just rambling now but lots of possibilities.
I would suggest that you take a look at what occurred off of Somalia a few years ago when it comes to shipping and ransom payments for hostages. The ransom was being paid for the ship crews, not any notables. As for the ships, they were sitting offshore of Somalia, awaiting ransom payments as well. Some of the insurance companies were paying upwards of $3 million for the release of ship and crew. A similar situation exists off of Nigeria with respect to coastal tankers and shipping, along with major problems for smaller ships in Indonesia.
As for insurance companies, they are mentioned in the canon, and do you seriously think that a bank is going to finance any size of ship without having insurance coverage on it, to include "skipping"? Who do you think is paying the ship hunters to find ships that have skipped?
As for pirates/corsairs that successfully capture a ship, where do they find the person or persons or planet that has the ready cash to hand over 10 Million or so Credits for it? I say cash, because I cannot see pirates taking monthly payments or a bank draft for a ship. Realistically, they might be lucky to get scrap prices for it. Try walking into a bank and asking for a Million in cash. My bank requires 48 hour notice for any amounts of over Ten Thousand in Cash. Then of course, you have the government paperwork to fill out. Pirates in many cases did not take the ship, but only grabbed food, weapons, and useful cargo. Now, the official privateers during the American Revolution and War of 1812 would try to bring ship captures back to port, but the ships were not that expensive, and normally buyers could be found. Cargoes were many times more valuable than the ship, which could be sold for the value of the ship fittings.