Originally posted by Mythmere:
There is political discord, democratic agitation, home rule, and secessionist terrorism at a high level in Tobia.
Sure, why not.
Duke Quinn has trouble paying the navy.
(Total Imp population in TR: 118,080 MCr, Total naval forces in Trojan Reach: 885,600,000 MCr).
This all depends on what figures you use. For the last couple of years I've been using GT figures (I converted when I helped out with the pre-playtest of the ill-fated first version of
GT:Imperial Navy). I get a total GWP for Tobia of 464,642 billion Crimp (of which Tobia contributes BCrimp420,000). The other three subsectors in Trojan Reach (don't forget them, they contribute to the regular navy at Quinn's disposal) has GWP totals of BCrimp93,653 (Gazulin), 168,000 (Sindal, which is to say Albe), and 230,124 (Pax Rulin). Note that using CT figures tend to give you larger figures. They're all in the same ballpark, though.
Tobia subsector has fleet of about 202,350,000 MCr
Assuming each world pays 1% in tax to the Imperium, Tobia subsector contributes 4.646 trillion Crimp to the Imperial military, which, if we assume the IA gets 10%, corresponds to 41.8 trillion credits worth of navy. Just how this is distributed between regular and colonial forces is important, since we are assuming that the regular forces are stationed in Vilis. But the really interesting part is Tobia's
planetary defense budget. The average military spending of an Imperial worlds is said to be 3%. That means that if Tobia pays 1% to the Imperium, it has 2% to spend on its planetary forces. Assume 60% of that goes to the planetary navy, we get system defenses worth
FIFTY trillion credits
If, that is, Tobia only spends 2% on its planetary defenses. An average implies that some spends less and some spends more. I don't know about you, bu I consider it much more likely that the border worlds spend more and the core worlds spend less than the other way around. So I could easily see Tobia spend 3 or 4%.
...half of which is colonial fleet, half of which is Imperial. Colonial fleet is TL 14, Imperial is TL 15.
Subsector navy and Tobia planetary defense forces will be built to TL 15, since the shipyard that builds and maintains them is TL 15. Having a colonial fleet that is less than TL 15 only makes sense for the subsectors that doesn't have a high-pop TL 15 world.
Rebellion begins in 1116. Various Aslan clans decide to send Ihatei into the Imperium,
How fast does the news reach the Hierate? How long does it take for the 29 to work out an agreement given the communications lag? And
why would the various clan lords make such an agreement? Many of them have been rivals for longer than the Imperium has existed. The Ikhtealyo bloc (which, btw, dominates the Aslan part of Trojan Reach) are proponents of peaceful relations with the Imperium and stands to lose heavily if it comes to war. Anything that benefits one clan will be an unpleasant event for some other clan. "The Aslans are not and never have been able to cooperate".
And, again, there's no reason incentive for the clan lords to aid an attack on the Imperium. Nor is there much incentive for an
ihatei admiral to go to the Imperium with all those much less well defended worlds in the Buffer Zone and further spinward in Beyond and Touchstone lying there. (Mind you, I'm not saying there won't be some addle-brained admirals who'd want the glory of taking on the Imperium, but you're imagining that every clan lord and every admiral will be equally addle-brained.
...allocating one year's production to the invasion. (this compares more to one turn's income in Risk than to abandoning production centers in Diplomacy).
It doesn't work like that. A clan has as many warships as it can afford. That year's production you talk about is going to be spent on maintaining the standing fleet. The only way the clan lord can outfit an expedition is by reducing his own fleet in some way. And if he did have the money, there'd have to be someone who just happened to have that many obsolescent ships to sell him.
All standing Aslan navies stay where they are, maintaining status quo. Most clans become party to a two-year "on your honor" accord not to attack each other during the invasion.
And they all trust each other not to break that accord?
Ten ihatei fleets of about 244,994,250 MCr each head into Tobia by 1117.
It takes months for the news to reach Kuzu. Even if the 29 could hammer out an accord, it would take many months to do so. It takes time to outfit an
ihatei fleet (and half the money spent on one goes to non-combattant vessels). It takes time to get from wherever these ships are outfitted to the cis-rift terminus of the Great Rift crossing. It takes about a year to get a jump-3 force across the Great Rift. It takes anothr 4 or 5 months to get from the trans-rift terminus of the Great Rift Crossing to Tobia. And all these ships has to be maintained when they get to Trojan Reach (which is dominated by a Tlaukhu bloc unfriendly to the enterprise).
Assuming that the ratio of 5:1 would stand with the TL2 difference between TL12 and TL14 (as btw/ 13 and 15),
According to Steve the effect is not transitive. Here is the chart he made for me:
TL 10 TL 11 TL 12 TL 13 TL 14 TL 15
TL 9 2/1 5/1 12/1 100/1 * *
TL 10 - 3/2 6/1 50/1 1000/1 *
TL 11 - - 2/1 5/1 12/1 500/1
TL 12 - - - 3/1 10/1 20/1
TL 13 - - - - 3/2 5/1
TL 14 - - - - - 3/1
* - can defeat any number of foes of the lower TL
So TL 12 ships face 10 to 1 odds against TL 14 ships.