SOC-14 1K
Not quite, I said "... I grasp that you really want": It's a statement about my mind, not your mind.No, you stated that I am wedded to the idea that the LBB2 drive is a fusion rocket, which I am not.
Ok, that that is your position is more than I have grasped before.It is most likely some sort of super advanced ion/plasma engine that also makes use of null grav technology![]()
Not quite, it must fulfil Newton's Third, i.e. create "an equal and opposite reaction". Expelling propellant is the simplest case, but a drive accelerating a nearby planet through the gravity field is also a reaction drive.It is stated it is a reaction drive, and it therefore must use reaction mass, ...
I would not go so far as that. LBB2 does not mention fusion at all. It's an easy guess when hydrogen is the only fuel, but still a guess.... and since there is only liquid hydrogen or fusion products available to be that reaction mass you have to take your pick between those two. Since there is no mention of venting fusion products or having them stored and then dealt with at a starport it is a safe assumption that it is the fusion plasma products that provide the reaction mass.
Fusion would consume minute amounts of matter, and produce minute amounts of fusion products. Venting them wouldn't be very noticeable, or worth remarking on.
Not quite, it's not remotely enough fuel for a chemical rocket, but if we accelerate any expelled propellant to high enough speed (ludicrous speed, but SciFi...) it might be enough. Hence I have suggested it might be some sort of ion drive.As you state the fuel used is not enough to give a ship the performance stated -
A larger ship would of course consume proportionally more propellant, unlike the power plant fuel requirement.
Agreed, as used in my calculations in the last post.but since this is 77/79 a ship ton is still the equivalent to 1000kg of mass.
Edit: Agreed for LBB2'77, not LBB5'79:
LBB5'79, p33:
3. Volume: When referring to starship tonnage, one ton equals 14 cubic meters; the volume of one ton of liquid hydrogen. Two 1.5 meter squares, from deck to ceiling, occupy approximately one ton.
Expelling propellant at ludicrous speed is a lot more likely than changing mass, something that would be out there with jump drives as impossible with current understanding of physics. There is no hint that I can see that normal Traveller tech can achieve that miraculous feat.Either the plasma reaction mass has to be ejected at near c, or the mass of the ship has to be reduced by null grav tech.
LBB5'79 does not limit that to LBB5 designs, LBB2 ships are equally capable of doing that.Military ships obviously use much larger m-drives (look at the size difference between LBB2 and HG) so they can use the plasma/fusion exhaust as a weapon.
LBB5 is not just for military ships, it's for large ships, small ships, and even small craft.
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