No, because the term 'combat vessel' is defined in the same passage that says a sector has about 1000 of them.
"Each sector of the Imperium theoretically has a group of fleets numbering about 1000 ships. This number includes combat vessels such as cruisers, carriers, battleships, and some escorts; it does not include auxiliaries, support ships, and scouts." [RbS:27]The only real wiggle room there is what escorts are included in the 'some escorts'. It's obviously that not all escorts are included. My take is that it is only a handful of atypical escorts that are as big as light cruisers.
The main reason for that assumption is that the Imperial Navy needs its combat vessels to average as big as possible because even assuming that every single one of them are 20,000T and up, it still only accounts for half the canonical naval budget. You need to assume that the maintenance costs are twice the 10% of original cost that TCS talks about. If you include piddling 5000T escorts in the number, let alone 3000T destroyers, the fleet size goes from being hard to believe to being really, really hard to believe.
Hi Hans,
I forgot about the Fleet Escort, but to my mind it is a normal sized destroyer, a large escort included in your 1,000 combat ships.
I would suggest that all Escorts under 1,000 tons are not included, I have not decided whether the 1kt DE should included or not.