Gee, thanks. I would like to discuss what the 1 million inhabitants of this tech level 12, Non-Industrial Farming planet could afford.
According to
Striker, a TL12 world with Ag and Ni trade codes has a per capita income of Cr16,000 * x 1.2 x 0.8 = Cr15,360.
A population multiplier of 1 can mean anything from 1,000,000 to 1,999,999. Let's call it 1.9 million inhabitants for a GWP of MCr29,184.
The average peacetime military expenditure of Imperial worlds is 3%, but if you believe the people of Lemish is properly motivated by fear of Vargr, an expenditure of 10% is possible. That would be a military tax figure of MCr2,918.
Of this, 30% goes to the Imperium, leaving 2,043 for Lemish.
That figure is split between the army and the navy in whatever proportion seems good to the Lemishian government. According to
Striker, it averages 40% for the army on worlds with breathable atmosphere. Also note that planetary defenses (orbital fortresses is my guess) are jointly funded by the army and the navy.
Anyway, if you go with those 60% for the navy the naval budget would be MCr1,226 per year. With the very crude maintenance rule from TCS that means a fleet totalling an initial cost of MCr12,257 if you buy local TL12 vessels.
You have the army to defend against a land invasion, in case the Vargr make landfall? Why can't you use militia instead of a standing army? Or is the army budget essentially for this militia?
It's what they have to spend on an army. What exactly they spend it on is not defined.
GT:Ground Forces has some rules for number of 'battalion equivalents' a world can afford and what different kinds of troops cost in BEs. I think they could be adapted to work with these other rules, but I haven't gotten around to trying and could be wrong.