SOC-14 1K
That is actually something I wanted to explore, how much power such a figurehead has, and how that would clash with the folks who would naturally assume to be having the actual power. And exactly what "having power" means. You get to make decisions and boss people around and spend money. But you make the wrong decision, its a bad day. Even if you are figurehead, you still are responsible.As a figurehead that may work. As an "Imperial Advisor" (whose advice the sovereign government had damn well better heed) it might work (though the powerful member worlds might not be pleased with such a precedence). But if a person appointed from outside the system has real formal power, it's a captive government.
Nor I, and in practical fact, being governor of a tech level 12 bureaucracy probably amounts to the same thing, more fireman and fancy dinners than pouring over conservation impact reports on the latest transportation infrastructure project. At least I hope so.Caveat: I don't know how Marc Miller intends to retcon the relationship between Imperial nobles and member worlds. But until he does1, I'm going with the role akin to that of an ombudsman GT:Nobles assign to Imperial high nobles. YMM, of course, V.
IMO there's going to be a government chosen one way or another by the locals that, at the very least, is formally responsible for their own affairs. That's what not being a captive government means2.
2 Yes, OK, I admit it, there are scores and hundreds of low-population worlds (including a number with writeups) with ostensibly non-captive governments where the whole sovereign people notion makes very little sense or explicitly does not apply. But leaving low-population worlds aside, a million people is actually a viable independent population so to me my "don't fix it if it isn't broken" principle applies.
The locals have picked a civil service bureaucracy as their local form of government, and seem very happy with it, based on the cultural and economic extensions. Maybe I have a misunderstanding of what that means, but it sounds like an executive branch without a legislative branch. That you would have the several different ministries (Justice, State, Defense, Treasury, Conservation, Commerce, Health, Administrative Affairs, and I don't know what all,) under a Prime Minister. The Prime Minister reports to the Governor, who in this case is also the Imperial baron.
It saves having to create another NPC.
I think that 1 million people are just on the cusp of being an independent world. I base this on my understanding of page 437 of T5.
It saves having to create another NPC.

I think that 1 million people are just on the cusp of being an independent world. I base this on my understanding of page 437 of T5.