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The Lone Star Chat!

Ser jame, folks, I gotta make an appearance at a ren Faire tomorrey(today-looks at watch), be in late, lake after 7pm CST..).

Jus warnin ya! ;)
(NO, I ain't lifting anything over 15lbs-Drs orders!)
:eek: :rolleyes:
This bein here mother's Day, I'm openin the house up! C'mon in..
Ya'll be nice an polite too! remember our policy- No spam :mad: , no ⌧ :mad: , no rude folks!
This closes the chat room lounge fer the week! Thanks fer showin up, Bruce, Erin, Blacklight, (Hunter, yet again!), casey, darth sillyus, mark Siefert, Bryan gibson,..

fer thems of yas that missed it..
one word..


outta heah!C-ya! ;)
Somehow I don't think my plan will work... I'll try once more, though!

EAK hasn't been to the CotI boards in a while...
Oh she's been around, But mostly it's as the Chat Mistress.

Couldn't Have a Sunday with out her.

Originally posted by Jame:
Somehow I don't think my plan will work... I'll try once more, though!

EAK hasn't been to the CotI boards in a while...
If she's been here, then I must have missed her. And Liam, I haven't gotten to the Ursula yet, so I can't say anything about that.
Well jame, she was there last Sunday..as was Bryan Gibson, Hunter, and Bruce--three of our Ancients here on CoTI...
we generally start about 12-1300hrs Central Time (EAk lives in eastern time in Ohio and we chat till we drop off)..\Occaisionally we see folks from Hawaii and Spain (hiyas Kentares!)...
Hit or miss, its yer time..
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
...and Spain (hiyas Kentares!)...
WHAT!? SPAIN!? Never ever call Spain to Portugal or else...!


Seriously now... Spain and Portugal are two different free nations. And I´m from Portugal not Spain. I´m sure it was an innocent mistake, Liam.
No harm done :D
It's Sunday morning, the coffeejuice is a bubbling, and the room is open for your Chatting pleasures.

Come to the Lonestar, the Lonestar calls to you :D
Hey Liam, do you mean here on the CotI boards, or on the ISS Ursula and Lone Star Chat?

'Cause I'm talking about here on the CotI boards.
Originally posted by Capt. Blacklight:
It's Open it's Open
it's Memorial Day weekend.
I still bet you all want to chat.

I'm there now and no one is here... :(

Loooonely... I'm mister looooonely....