• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

The Lone Star Chat!

Enjoyed the company of ANCIENTS Hunter, Bruce,Bryan Gibson; our host tonight, Casey, guests Mark Siefert, CPT Tylor, and Darth Sillyus, as well as cameo appearances by CPT BlackLight, and some folks who think we're from Texas..(LOL)!

have a virtual Guiness on us!
Night, ya'll! ;) :D :cool:
Too bad AOL accounts don't come with dotnet passports. And now it won't let me get one. Wasn't there something about getting invited into one of these?

Edit at 4:56 pm: I still say that _while_ EAK has been to ISS Ursula and the Lone Star Chat, EAK (she, right?) hasn't been here to COTI lately.
Sadly, because of my work situation, I'm unable to come into to chat anymore. Maybe if I get to switch to a morning shift later this summer I can come back on board.
Originally posted by Mark A. Siefert:
Sadly, because of my work situation, I'm unable to come into to chat anymore. Maybe if I get to switch to a morning shift later this summer I can come back on board.
So quit yer job already! Sheesh, get yer priorities in order man!


Sorry about zoning out towards the end there, got busy with other things and forgot to cup out.

Hopefully I'll get to chat with anyone I missed next time!

Originally posted by Mythmere:
Froze out trying to get in. Trying again.
Dolt! Hope you're able to get back in ok. Most of us are currently playing in a online game or otherwise busy so if you drop on by and don't get an instant response, whisper me once and I'll get to you as soon as I can!

Originally posted by Mythmere:
Got in fine, that was when we were talking, o Steerpike! On my way back in now.
Heh Steerpike! I still prefer Lord Sepulchrave (Lord Groan) himself. Hoot hoot!
:eek: :confused:

So many wonderful characters. :cool:

Have to see about this Sunday, with Father's Day and all.
