• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

The Lone Star Chat!

Originally posted by Garf:
Ummm. I have an MSN passport but use Trillian.

anyone know how I can make this work? or do I have to dowload MSN. (Won't do it.)
It works in your browser, not an IM client. (btw I use Trillian as well, very cool program)

Depending on your browser it requires either a plug-in (Netscape) or an Active-X control (IE). Dunno about other browsers. You may have to drop your browser security a little for a bit until the chat stuff is loaded and then raise it back up.

To get there, see the link a few posts back. You'll be prompted to enter your .net/Passport login info. See ya next week hopefully!

Casey up nursing a sore throat
Originally posted by Capt. Blacklight:
Hello all
the Bar is Open, drinks are Free.
Come chat with your Fellows and regale us with your stories.

The Lone star is Open for Business
When is the next one?
[/qb][/QUOTE]Next scheduled is next Sunday starting from whenever someone opens the Bar. Usually around noon EST.
for more info

Casey [/QB][/QUOTE]

Thanks will try to be there....
There as well now. Shane's in for a while too! Woot! GM advice for Traveller being dispensed along with t3h fun!

Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
Yep, 11-strong and hotting up. The chattinating is fine.

Pete and Liam are holding an advice masterclass and all is good!

Evil GM plot device advice was dispensed unto a lady GM who will be at GenCon..

Ya'll don't know what nasty tricks we gave her!!! Unless you were here! Oops..bars closed !

Guess ye poor gamers will just haveta wait n see!
(Go get em Shar_Leigh!-WHoo Hoo!)
Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
Yep, 11-strong and hotting up. The chattinating is fine.

Pete and Liam are holding an advice masterclass and all is good!

And a great time was had by all..... :D
heads up this Sunday-- I shant be in til late if at all- tis a Drill weekend. I'm sure someone else can be MoC & bartender..Ya'll drop by now, ya hear? Ye dinnae know what yer missing! ;) :cool:
Originally posted by Antares Administration:
Well I tried to log on again, and the system still insists that I'm blacklisted, and offers no way to correct the problem. I've never been able to sign on. :mad:

Paul Nemeth
Damn right, Paul. Any idea how hard it is to get an IP blacklisted? We can't have just any riff-raff wandering in...

On a more serious note, have you got a laptop to try from? We'd love to have you drop in.

well i tried again....msn wont let me sign on ..says i am using someone elses address and i gotta cgang it..what crock!! had the same address for several years now, and used to be able to join the fun...stupid MSN!!! :mad: :mad:
Originally posted by trader jim:
well i tried again....msn wont let me sign on ..says i am using someone elses address and i gotta cgang it..what crock!! had the same address for several years now, and used to be able to join the fun...stupid MSN!!! :mad: :mad:
? I'd email MSN stat if you can find a contact email address. Perhaps somebody used your addy by mistake.

Hunter's been on as well as some other folk. Letting dinner settle at the moment myself.

Just start a new virtual identity and call out it is the evil Trader Jim, as a solution. Do it now so that you can join in.