• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

The Lone Star Chat!

Originally posted by gentloser:
I'd like to come over and join the chat but as it's hosted on MSN it won't work on my Apple iBook using Safari browser and OS10.2.6
Maybe someone would like to move the chat some more cross platform friendly?
Yeah that is a problem with MSN Chat. As referenced in the last page or so there have been some talk of setting up a IRC version which is quite cross-platform friendly.

Though IMO MSN should also make at least a OS9/10 compatible version of the chat software, but they haven't. While I'm dreaming they could make a Unix/Linus version, and oh a Atari ST version as well.

Come one, come all! We are chatting to a pleasant new arrival, insulting Liam and generally carrying on about Hooters waitresses, Monty Python and stuff.

It's fun!

Come in!

oh yeah, and give yer recipe fer cholic treatments to Shane..what with the new bairn n all..<grins>! Traveller chatternatin at its finest..

<and ye still dinnae know where that goat is do ya shane?>
Hey...It's 8:30 on Tuesday, and there are 54 (!!) people hanging out on the CotI boards...Why does the Lonestar only open on Sunday??? Brubeks is open everyday... Is it because of how MSN Chat is set up?

just wondering
Originally posted by MADDog:
Hey...It's 8:30 on Tuesday, and there are 54 (!!) people hanging out on the CotI boards...Why does the Lonestar only open on Sunday??? Brubeks is open everyday... Is it because of how MSN Chat is set up?

just wondering
It opens anytime anyone clicks on the link, we just say every sunday so people know when they are most likely to catch a load of peole there. But really, anytime you want to open it just do so!

Let me further add a vote for an IRC version of the chat. Why? IRC is a far more open standard, far more available (in some senses...), and there are a plethora of IRC clients out there to choose from.
And it avoids Micro$haft......

(And hey.... this is the tech that GRIP is built on, so it must be good!)
Originally posted by Casey:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by gentloser:
I'd like to come over and join the chat but as it's hosted on MSN it won't work on my Apple iBook using Safari browser and OS10.2.6
Maybe someone would like to move the chat some more cross platform friendly?
Yeah that is a problem with MSN Chat. As referenced in the last page or so there have been some talk of setting up a IRC version which is quite cross-platform friendly.

Though IMO MSN should also make at least a OS9/10 compatible version of the chat software, but they haven't. While I'm dreaming they could make a Unix/Linus version, and oh a Atari ST version as well.

</font>[/QUOTE]There is open source software that can access MSN on Linux - Everybuddy is one such package. I, personally, would still like to see an IRC version, though.

Just a thought.
Annoying, the msn chatroom apparatus is down for maintenance. Ah well,hello ya'll..<grins> Hopefully NEXT sunday will be better accessible!

Missed being here..<bows> and the heretic turned, and walked away
FWIW, it's back now.
:rolleyes: :D

Right now I'm sitting in the Lone Star all by my lonesome. (HA! A Pun!) However, since my broadband connection has been sporadically knocking me off line for indeterminate lengths of time, I'm in an out.
I decided that I couldn't hang around because:

A) Everyone else on COTI seems to be elsewhere today or has no interest in chatting.

B) The constant stream of bots and pervs looking for cybersex is annoying me.
Got a few things to do real quick, then I should be able to stop in for a little while.

Well checked back and it was down but just seemed to come back up. <grumbles> I'll hang out for a while to see how long I can last with getting bumped.
:rolleyes: ;)

Bumped?-LOL- heck from this library terminal, I get to see the page but it never opens up fully.
Guess we'll haveta see ya'll next week. This burg rolls her doors down in 30 mikes.
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Bumped?-LOL- heck from this library terminal, I get to see the page but it never opens up fully.
Guess we'll haveta see ya'll next week. This burg rolls her doors down in 30 mikes.
Well frell. It's working for me at least right now.

Cya next week then.

Lone Star's open for business. I'll be around for a bit but occupied between RL chores, gaming, watching the Kaiju (Giant Monster) fest on Sci-Fi Channel today, etc.

TA6, new stuff on the website, etc. all possible topics sophonts.

Mothra rules! :cool:
