• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

The Lone Star Chat!

Well the new Lone Star's open for its first "official" hours of operation.

For more info on Lone Star IRC see this thread .

There're a lot of IRC faq's out there if you aren't familiar with it.

Casey/ Asu/ etc.
Gorram the thing really works! I'll be dipped in daergh or frelled like a flyin..well<ahem>, its IRC chat..YO wake up CoTI.

heretics in da house, hide the wimmen and rule books!

Well, I'm still on, but nobody's coming in.....

Then again, I am noticing that the room isn't coming up on the channel list. There definately needs to be a bot monitoring the room with host priveliges......
I don't know how to IRC.

Great. Just when I can start chatting they change it on me. It's like they don't want me around! :mad: :mad:
:mad: :mad:
:mad: :mad:
I feel your pain Jame.

I'm on limited equipment, with an even more limited understanding of IT/Java/IRC/Web internet stuff.

Can surf just fine, but relatively clueless on most of the other stuff. :confused:

well it's one to two hours past the normal "opening" hours for LoneStar on Sunday...

Looking for all the people who were wanting LoneStar on IRC but who haven't shown up on Sundays. ;) (or at least not yet this Sunday)

It's 12:15 Central Time and I've got the door open. Cpt.Blacklight came in for a second, but I was writing a CotI post while he was on (sorry dude). Anyway, I'm ready, willing, and able to chat; so come on in!
Well whoever wanted to talk about Traveller software is more than welcome to work it out on the LoneStar.

Just remember to bring RAM chips for Palamedes the dice bot! ;)

THIS SUCKS.....BIG TIME!!!!!!......everytime i try to get on this DAMN thing NOTHING HAPPENS!!!....once again ....cant get on.... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Originally posted by trader jim:
everytime i try to get on this DAMN thing NOTHING HAPPENS!!!
Did you try to get on the new LoneStar on IRC or the old LoneStar on MSN Chat? LoneStar's moved to IRC * and can be accessed by any IRC client program or via your webbrowser using a java applet (you need to have java installed on your system for that).

Should be up 24-7 unless they're down for maintenance.

Annoucement and link to the java applet here

CotI thread on LoneStar on IRC here

Hope this helps. We still normally meet Sunday afternoon on but you can chat anytime.


* I think general MSN Chat rooms are closed now when the service went to subscription only anyway
Originally posted by Casey:
Well we're also chatting with the folks on #traveller (on Undernet) at the mo. And Eak returns! :cool: :D

and #traveller has a bartender bot, Brubeck. Though he only responds if you're on #traveller currently. :( http://www.freelancetraveller.com/infocenter/travchat/brubek.html

[EDIT] Brubek's now working in LoneStar as well. Though there are some bugs being ironed out.

It looks like I've got the Brubek bugs worked out; as far as Casey's comment about "We're chatting with the folks on #traveller (on Undernet)", that's done via the implementation of a bridgebot (in channel with the nick of "]-"), so that folks in either channel will be able to "hear" what's going on in the other - and can respond to it. A way of bringing together two Traveller communities that heretofore had very little overlap.