Actually I paid attention. I was working on a similar principal. I can handle the Sector Duke, sharing power with the Grand Admiral (Or the guy in charge of the Sector Fleet and the Sector Reserve Fleet, if he isn't a Grand Admiral.) for a Sector.
Since the Dukes have their own Navies, the Colonial Forces in their individual SubSector, (Call it whatever you want.) I don't see them needing the same kind of authority.) Let them have authority over the Colonial Naval Assets in their Subsector but only under extrodinary, and narrowly defined, circumstances should they be allowed to task Imperial Navy assets without going through channels.
There are and will of course be exceptions. The bigest, most obvious, exception being when the Duke also happens to be a serving officer in the Imperial Navy. Then his Imperial Naval Rank would be his level of authority, within his chain of command, unless he also happens to be the Sector Duke.
(One would think the Sector Duke would retire from active service.
) (The picture of a newly elevated young Duke, wearing the uniform of an Ensign trying to assume command of a BatRon has put a smile on my face this morning.
Now of course Direct Orders from the Admiralty, Domain High Command (Whatever you want to call that level.) the ArchDuke (if any) or the Emperor, to include in the form of a Warant, would supercede the Sector Dukes Authority, and every other Yahoo down the line.
Originally posted by rancke:
You know, it's really a letdown to post a big chunk of references that one think are highly relevant, not to mention interesting, only to have it sink without a ripple...
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rancke:
The governor of Virginia, for instance, had authority over regular troops only when there were no general officer of the crown in the province.
It's not something I would ever have thought of myself, but this might be a good model for explaining the relationship of dukes and the rest of the Imperial High nobles to the Imperial Navy.
How about this: A sector duke has authority over the Imperial Navy unless there is a Grand Admiral in the sector or direct orders from the Imperial Admiralty apply.
A subsector duke has authority over the Imperial Navy unless there is sector admiral in his duchy or direct orders from the Imperial or sector Admiralty apply.
Hans </font>[/QUOTE]