SOC-14 1K
Hal,Originally posted by Hal:
Guys? Maybe this belongs in a different thread, but I think it needs to be asked. Structure does not evolve without reason. To debate a structure requires an idea of the reason behind it. So what is the reason behind it? 5FW states specifically that there are colonial fleets. CT states specifically that there are subsector fleets (We want to call them Duchy fleets). MT states specifically that there are reserves (implying non-frontline forces). Even the latest fighting ships pdf adds to what was not before by saying "Reservists" for D20.
So rather than just say "There are jabberwockies and bandersnatches" willy nilly - lets ask what purpose a jaberwocky serves with its existence and determine if it is a flight of fancy or a needful thing that nature would have created. Or, to stop using analogies - why would a structure evolve to permit the existence of a colonial fleet. What exactly has to exist within the Imperium for a colonial fleet to exist? After all, it is FAR too easy to have built an Imperial Navy that is both Defensive of the Imperium (such as the Imperial navy is described to be) and internal as the subsector navies are thought to be. So WHY have the form/structure? How would that structure need to be built in order to function?
What you are saying makes perfect sense. I also think it hits at the heart of the question of Nobles tasking Imperial Navy Fleets.
Given the following information on structure.
The Imperial Navy CT, MT, T20, etc.):
Charged with general defense of the Realm. The Emperor's Big stick. Used for Diplomatic pressure both within and without the Imperium. THe main force for conducting Imperium level war.
Numbered Fleets at the Subsector Level, Named Fleets at the Sector Level. Named Fleets at the Sector Level are comprised of both Normal Numbered Fleets and Reserve Fleets.
The Subsector Navy (CT) aka, unofficially, the Duchy Navy:
The Local Dukes' big stick. Used for local problems and missions. (Piracy suppression, keeping trade routes open, Commerce protection within the Subsector) The first line of defense.
Capable of being called into Imperial Service in times of "need."
The Planetary Navy (CT, MT, T20, etc.):
Usually consists of System Defense Boats, Monitors and other non-jump capable vessels. Some systems may also have Jump capable ships as part of the Planetary Navy.(T20, CT Adventure 7.)
Reserve Fleet (MT, T20):
Comprised of older but still useful ships, and Colonial Squadrons. Crewed by Reservists (T20). Provides backup to the Imperial Fleet. Numbered Fleets at the Subsector Level part of the Named Lfeet at the Sector Level.
Colonial Squadrons (CT, MT, T20)
Locally raised and crewed squadrons that make up part of the Reserve Fleets of the Imperial Navy. Can be comprised of locally produced ships or older yet still useful Imperial Navy ships or a combination of the two.
Those are the broad brush strokes provided thus far in the OTU. Have I missed any? Or have I miscategorized anything?