Originally posted by Fritz88:
Dan, I think the Basic v Advanced fight is something that can't really be accounted for in the task system. (But, I am chewing over your thoughts.) The best way to do it is to either limit your players to one or the other (which might mean coming up with advanced chargen for the other 8 careers - thank goodness for Freelance Traveller!) and stick to that system for all your players.
There are two very easy fixes if you want your Basic characters to come out, skill-wise, like your advanced characters.
Fix #1
The simple addition of the "Special Duty" role that DGP put into the MT Basic chargen pretty much does it. It does a damn good job of making the battlefield "even" between the basic and advanced chargen's.
If you don't have a copy of the MTPM, all you do is roll a number (indicated in the MT Basic charts) or higher to get an extra skill during the term.
ALSO, MT allows an extra skill during the term IF any of these throws, during the term, are exceeded by 4+ : Commission (or Position), Promotion, or Special Duty.
Typically, Basic characters get two skills for the first term, then one skill every term after that.
If they make the Special Duty roll, they get another skill.
They get a skill if they make a Commission (or Position).
They get a skill if they make a Promotion.
And, if the Special Duty, Commission, or Promotion rolls are exeeded by 4+, then two skills are awarded instead of one.
If you change your CT Basic chargen around to use these simple rules (all that's really added is the Special Duty roll and the 4+ check), your Basic character will be on par with your Advanced characters.
Fix #2
The second fix is something I came up with. You can see it in my "Extended Character Generation" topic.
During the term, the character can take his normal allotment of two skill for the first term and one skill for every term after that--
--but, on any term, the character may try for more skills.
He gives up his automatic skill (there is risk in this) for a try at getting more skills during the year.
If he tries for two skills, he must roll 2D for 7+. He makes that roll twice, gaining a skill when he's successful.
If he wants three skills, he rolls 2D for 8+, making the roll three times, getting askill when he makes the roll.
And, if he wants to go for four skills, it's a 2D throw for 9+, making the roll four times.
In each case, the character will typically average about one skill. But, if the player is lucky with the dice, he could get more--and if he's not lucky, he'll get none (he'll still get skills for promotion, special duty, etc).