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The Vilani -- biological quirks unique to them?

You forgot:

"Return of the Land Beneath the Revenge of the Gods"

Oh wait, am I getting confused with the Planet of the Apes movies? ;)
Jatay, you are taking too much offense. Seriously. Malenfant can be abrasive occasionally (love ya guy!) but he really is a good chap. I don't think he has meant anything personal against you in anything he's posted.

The reality of the bible aside, the idea of space travellers using their technology to set themselves up as gods to a less advanced races is cool. Hmmm...nice adventure possibilities there. PCs vs the 'gods'!

Thanks, Hunter :D

Actually, I'm kinda thinking that an entire primitive population vs "PCs as Gods" might be interesting too ;) .

In fact, if you did use fairly blatant biblical analogies in such a scenario (use repulsors to part an ocean, lasers to fry hapless trees to cow the locals, loudspeakers to address your subjects, etc), it might even get the players to think about the events described in the bible somewhat differently...
Originally posted by Malenfant:
You forgot:

"Return of the Land Beneath the Revenge of the Gods"

Oh wait, am I getting confused with the Planet of the Apes movies? ;)

Yup, I classify that entire series in the same category you do, apparently.
Originally posted by jatay3:
Er, nobody called your faith "wacky". [Roll Eyes]

I merely described some of the events in the bible as such because they were very unusual.
Of course they were "unusual" that is why they were recorded.
In any case it would have been more diplomatic to say "unusual" in the first place.

And by the way the
"Er, nobody called your faith "wacky". [Roll Eyes]"
line seems to give an air of, "there, there it's OK". On the other hand it is hard to talk to someone with a different worldview without sounding condescending sometimes. I have had that problem myself.
I regard things like this(including the Bible) as very important and do not see the Church as a mere alternative to staying home and watching football.To insult the Bible is to insult an important part of my faith.
But this getting unpleasant. I can see why Traveller warned about letting religious discussion into the game.
err, you say bible (then christian religion) but you forgot this book was writen by monk in latin in 1000 ad with some reference from a book traduct in greek called torrah ;) . (by the way i am catholic and if i am not priest it's because i made too much research on some texts ;) )

just for example: in evrit (modern hebrew language) , they say literally "fire's chariot" for the word fusee (they get it in the torrah).
Originally posted by flykiller:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Jatay, with all due respect I think you're being incredibly hypersensitive about your faith.
he isn't. </font>[/QUOTE]And how exactly do you figure that out so objectively?
What is really interesting if you have the time and mental disipline is to read the Hebrew version of the Bible before translations.
Not that I read Hebrew but I sat down with a computer program, 2 hebrew to english dicitionaries and a friend who did read modern hebrew for 2 weeks and we tore into the text.

All I can say is our version of some of the old bible stories are much different and harder (hard core) than what is in some of the other bibles you find today.

So, my point is: we all see the world differently with only a few common things that we agree to.

Yet even with those few common things we do not describe them the same way.
My favorite word to use as an example is


to English (primary American english) this word has many meanings
love food
love spouse
love kids
love family
love to play games
love apples

to many other non english cultures each of the above is a different word with it's own definition

Just my thoughts

"If political discussion has been sidelined to the Political pulpit, is it not time for a Religious Ramblings forum???" - Sigg Oddra.
I second the motion!

After all, religion is no more than the politics of faith.
It's not like the topic really comes up here a lot though. I do think the place has become much nicer now that the politics have been shunted out of the way.

If anything though, discussion about religion is more volatile even than current political ones are. As this thread has illustrated, it's so much easier to end up offending someone, even if offence wasn't intended.

Ideally this should be in Random Static, but as it is, Hunter shut down the other thread that started there pretty much right off the bat. Maybe that means he thinks it's just safer to leave the topic well alone here?
I think that if we have discussion on religon that we should have some guidelines of what level of or direction the dicussions are allowed.

On of the most fun game that I played in we had the typical cleric/priest/minister type class and a warrior type class (talking in general here
besides some others.
What made some great amusement was that the warrior was more pious and faithful to the concepts of their religon than the cleric/priest/minister was and they were both of the same faith/religon/sect.

Religon can have such great heroes/helping hands and at the same time can be such great villians/overpowering forces to content with in a game.

BUT, It all depends on what your gamers can and will tolerate besides what your personal beliefs are.

But given a choice of not talking religon or not talking at all, I choose to not talk religon

So, no more talking about holidays, the current calender, cursing, blessing, and a few others

Originally posted by Malenfant:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by flykiller:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Jatay, with all due respect I think you're being incredibly hypersensitive about your faith.
he isn't. </font>[/QUOTE]And how exactly do you figure that out so objectively? </font>[/QUOTE]how did you?
I don't.

Evidently you missed the I think in "I think you're being incredibly hypersensitive about your faith".

I deliberately phrased my statement as my own opinion (because that's what it is), not as objective fact. Whereas you seem to be claimiing that it is objective fact that he isn't hypersensitive.
I would like anything on 'real' world religion to go into the political pulpit as I think that more bitterness can be generated by religion than politics. In fact many of the 'political' discussions often had a religion element).

That and I think we should all be friends
No friendship now gut each other with rusty sickles!

Still I cant believe none of you have impersonated gods on a primitive world I do it all the time. I'm doing it right now.
Yes... and we in the Bureaux are watching you very closely, with mounting disdain.
"Religion is the Root of ALL Politics" -somebody important as quoted by C. Frasure, JD, in a Western Civ 1 lecture

Essentially, a people's political will is USUALLY an ethical standard slightly less regid than that of their (or the ruling class's predominant) religion's ethical code, and usually a less restrictive subset.

Religion-building, as subject of science fiction, is a common theme. Religion tweaking, by extraplanetary agents, could be a powerful (if long-term) means of preparation by the IN or aven the Bureaux (Pre 3I). In fact, I'd almost expect it of the Bureaux...

And why do Ancients need to have wings? Because Angels and Devils do!
Originally posted by Malenfant:
I don't.

Evidently you missed the I think in "I think you're being incredibly hypersensitive about your faith".

I deliberately phrased my statement as my own opinion (because that's what it is), not as objective fact. Whereas you seem to be claimiing that it is objective fact that he isn't hypersensitive.
he isn't.
Originally posted by hunter:
The reality of the bible aside, the idea of space travellers using their technology to set themselves up as gods to a less advanced races is cool. Hmmm...nice adventure possibilities there. PCs vs the 'gods'!

Hey, wasn't that a TV show, I think they called it "Stargate". I beleve the arguement here is why they stick to Mythology for their plots.