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The Vilani -- biological quirks unique to them?

Oh, and to drag this kicking and screaming back to the topic, what about the Anchents transplanting Neandertall as well. It would go with a plot I have floating round in my head.
Here's a couple of websites on Neanderthals for ya...


I've not found a firm grip on when Neanderthal Man was around.


It sounds like Neanderthal Man was only present on Earth after 250,000-200,000 years ago, which means that they evolved after the Ancients died out 300,000 years ago, so they couldn't have been transplanted anywhere by them.

Homo Erectus and possibly early Homo Sapiens were present on Earth when the Ancients would have been though.
Referring back to this link if you read the neanderthal entry it notes that their arm and leg bones were twice as thick as ours, their brains were bigger than ours, and once again the brain is configured slightly differently.

As Malenfant says though, they appear to have evolved after the Ancients had left the scene, but it is close.
Apparently alot of Europeans have some Neaderthal ancestry.

I saw this very interesting program on it a few years ago. They found a sort of "crossbreed" human.
Originally posted by Malenfant:
It sounds like Neanderthal Man was only present on Earth after 250,000-200,000 years ago, which means that they evolved after the Ancients died out 300,000 years ago, so they couldn't have been transplanted anywhere by them.

Homo Erectus and possibly early Homo Sapiens were present on Earth when the Ancients would have been though. QUOTE]

Of course you are assuming that this old planet here is our true home

OR you are forgetting that it was easier to just biowarfare the humans here into not existance and just happened to miss a few that were not affect by it bio stuff. And to not draw attention to them selves they laid low

Twice as thick bones as average you say? Bloody hell they must have looked like Louis Cyr...

What is the average wrist thickness nowdays though?