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TL 7 Yacht .. a quickie write-up


For MTU, as it is on the low end -- I figured my idle rich needed a way to do business away from prying eyes and ears. SO a simple Yacht does the trick for the lower end.

The 'Golden Cage' class Yacht

100 dTon USL Open Frame
TL 7 Advanced Titanium Alloy (tough 2.6, wt 4.7, pr .0111)
*note: I use the Alternate materials listing from Edward Fok

Controls, Nav Aids, Computers -- all TL 7
Electronics -- Radio (30,000 km) Radar (300 km), HRT (3000 km)
*note: at TL 7, they are HUGE, EXPENSIVE and power hungry ..:(

Engines: TL 7 Fission -- 12 MW, 1 yr of fuel
Manuver: TL 7 HF Rkt -- 840 TT (4 hrs of fuel) -- gives me an easy 1G
*note: I use a more realistic thrust for this rocket (which is 40 TT/kl)

Life Support -- Standard Airlock, Basic LS, Extended LS

Small State x2 (for XO/CO)
Bunks x 11
Lg State for Noble
Conference Room + Full Galley (seats 9)
Rec Room + Wet Bar (seats 9)
Guest Rooms (lg states) x 4

Environmental Grav -- Hamster Cage
Spare parts locker x 1
Cargo Hold: 10 kl
Food storage: 24.66 kl (Gourmet quality - feeds 18 for 6 months)
*I use the 'Food in Space' article by Mitchel K Schwartz)

Crew Composition:
Engineer x1 (not really needed, but I wanted one here)
Electronics x 2
Manuver x1
Maintainance x 5 (man that comp mult x.7 is nastier than I thought)
Command x 2 (I really only needed 1, but the enginner pushed it to 2 -- so ...)
Steward x1 (this is your chef -- so expect a steward 4/cook 3 -- a real pro)
Pilot x1 -- hey -- gotta have somebody to fly this thing ..:p

Design consideration:
a) I wanted a 1G thrust -- since it would be a 1 hr burn toward a spot -- and then to turn around and do a 1 hr burn to stop --- and be able to do that twice w/o refeuling
b) I wanted space to "entertain" guests, the Noble and the crew -- and feed them well!
c) Wanted at least 6 months of travel time so that I can get to many planets and moons in the system -- so that the Noble can go about business trips in style and even conduct business meetings aboard the Yacht.
d) Try and have the best in electronics -- in this I failed -- since the Radar and Radio is just waaay too damn big -- the radio at 1000 AU is 20 MW -- and at TL 7, that is a beast for a 100 dTon ship.


SO overall -- it's a tight fit -- but I got a doable Yacht at TL 7 that is able to cruise around and be of service for a wide variety of tasks. And thus can be easily worked on the low end of planets out there. And the prototype looks to be a hair above 37 Mcr -- so a decent price too

I will do a TL 9 version -- which will have better electronics/sensors, a better Fission engine, and better computer multipliers mean less of a crew needed.
For MTU, as it is on the low end -- I figured my idle rich needed a way to do business away from prying eyes and ears. SO a simple Yacht does the trick for the lower end.

The 'Golden Cage' class Yacht

Is this an MT design? It looks sort of like one.

100 dTon USL Open Frame
TL 7 Advanced Titanium Alloy (tough 2.6, wt 4.7, pr .0111)
*note: I use the Alternate materials listing from Edward Fok

Link please?

Controls, Nav Aids, Computers -- all TL 7
Electronics -- Radio (30,000 km) Radar (300 km), HRT (3000 km)
*note: at TL 7, they are HUGE, EXPENSIVE and power hungry ..:(

Engines: TL 7 Fission -- 12 MW, 1 yr of fuel
Manuver: TL 7 HF Rkt -- 840 TT (4 hrs of fuel) -- gives me an easy 1G
*note: I use a more realistic thrust for this rocket (which is 40 TT/kl)

Is that better or worse?

Life Support -- Standard Airlock, Basic LS, Extended LS

Small State x2 (for XO/CO)
Bunks x 11
Lg State for Noble
Conference Room + Full Galley (seats 9)
Rec Room + Wet Bar (seats 9)
Guest Rooms (lg states) x 4

Environmental Grav -- Hamster Cage

What is this?

Spare parts locker x 1
Cargo Hold: 10 kl
Food storage: 24.66 kl (Gourmet quality - feeds 18 for 6 months)
*I use the 'Food in Space' article by Mitchel K Schwartz)

Link please?

Crew Composition:
Engineer x1 (not really needed, but I wanted one here)
Electronics x 2
Manuver x1
Maintainance x 5 (man that comp mult x.7 is nastier than I thought)
Command x 2 (I really only needed 1, but the enginner pushed it to 2 -- so ...)
Steward x1 (this is your chef -- so expect a steward 4/cook 3 -- a real pro)
Pilot x1 -- hey -- gotta have somebody to fly this thing ..:p

Are you using One Small Step?

Design consideration:
a) I wanted a 1G thrust -- since it would be a 1 hr burn toward a spot -- and then to turn around and do a 1 hr burn to stop --- and be able to do that twice w/o refeuling
b) I wanted space to "entertain" guests, the Noble and the crew -- and feed them well!
c) Wanted at least 6 months of travel time so that I can get to many planets and moons in the system -- so that the Noble can go about business trips in style and even conduct business meetings aboard the Yacht.
d) Try and have the best in electronics -- in this I failed -- since the Radar and Radio is just waaay too damn big -- the radio at 1000 AU is 20 MW -- and at TL 7, that is a beast for a 100 dTon ship.


SO overall -- it's a tight fit -- but I got a doable Yacht at TL 7 that is able to cruise around and be of service for a wide variety of tasks. And thus can be easily worked on the low end of planets out there. And the prototype looks to be a hair above 37 Mcr -- so a decent price too

I will do a TL 9 version -- which will have better electronics/sensors, a better Fission engine, and better computer multipliers mean less of a crew needed.

TL7 space travel isn't nice. Radiation is a problem so you should probably add a radiation sensor to the sensor package. You arn't going to "cook" in space at TL7 becuase you couldn't control either the flame, or the food position in a microwave. A space craft at TL7 is not the place to entertain. You can't do drinks and food in any meaningful social way at TL7 it's going to be freez dried in 0G packaging.

4 Hour at 1G isn't much of a window! and you wouldn't want to spend six months in a TL7 space craft for pleasure, because a 100 ton vessel isn't going to be able to be spun.

There is no way to move the people from planet to space or visa versa. Any chance of a launch?
Neat idea.

The crew requirements seems a little high. A 100 ton scout can be operated by one, admitedly very competant, person. The 100 ton yacht needs 13 ???
Neat idea.

The crew requirements seems a little high. A 100 ton scout can be operated by one, admitedly very competant, person. The 100 ton yacht needs 13 ???

yeah -- the comp multiplier of .7 makes for some bigger crew requirements -- the TL A multi is like .35 -- so a definate advantage over earlier TL's

thus the 3rd comp is going to be a dedicated maintainance computer, doing diagnostics -- I cant really grumble, but I was just glad that comp brings the maintainace crew down to 5 -- it could have been 20 .. ouch
Is this an MT design? It looks sort of like one.

Link please?

Is that better or worse?

What is this?

Link please?

Are you using One Small Step?

4 Hour at 1G isn't much of a window! There is no way to move the people from planet to space or visa versa. Any chance of a launch?

a) it's TNE -- using FF&S
b) http://traveller.mu.org/house/alt_materials.html (here is the Alternate materials for TNE: very well done)
c) The book uses 9 TT for HRF, but the ISP's of the rocket show better preformance than what the book shows, thus I boosted the TT accordingly.
d) a Hamster cage -- hmmm, a spun section of hull that gives you a 1 G environment for that section of the ship. it's spun around a 13 meter cylinder -- kind of like a double hull/
e) http://www.mu.org/~joe/traveller/archive/General/Food_in_Space.txt (food in space -- we gotta eat)
f) I do use One small step (Hard Times) when working with Ion engines and other tidbits

g) Yeah, TL 7 is not nice -- but with an armor value of 5.2 (using 2cm of armor) for a 100 dTon ship aint bad at all -- the geiger counter is a needed part of the ship -- especially with the Fission engine I got (which is why the need for the engineer). So I aint worried about cosmic radiation from outside -- it's the Fission plant 'inside' the ship .. lol

The 4hrs of G thrust -- just look at the Saturn V -- it wasn't burning its' fuel during the whole trip to the moon and back -- the HFR is a rocket -- and thus, one deals with hrs of G thrust.

So my ship leaves a space station at 1G -- floats towards it's destination at a steady 1 G speed (since no additional accel is used), it turns around and burns an additional 1 G to slow down when it gets "there". And it has 2 hrs of 1G thrust to leave the other place and to slow down when it gets back "here".

As far as space launch? .. it is USL (Unstreamlined) -- it cant go into atmospheres -- it is permenantly a space vessel -- kinda like SkyLab .. or the ISS.


I will look at Vampire Fleets, and player generate additonal rules/house rules on robots -- I very much doubt anything is of use for TL 7 -- but I figure a Noble could use a bot -- lol
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