I have the chance of purchasing Striker from a friend of mine in local currecny (which eliminates the problems of buying online and shipping to the middle-eastern hellhole I live in); however, I wonder if such a purchase would be a good use of my VERY limited funds. He's offered me Striker several months ago, and I've refused it back then, but the current forum discussion has caused me to reconsider...
I've thumbed through my possible aquision and the main questions I have are:
1) How difficult is the Striker combat system to learn and how complex is it to use? While I'd like to integrate vehicles into my CT game and possibly add some military dimentions to things, I am no wargamer; I prefer to use the military-technological details of Striker as a background for small unit- and person-oriented roleplaying and action.
2) How easy is Striker to integrate with the existing CT (LBBs 1-8) rules? Does it mesh well with them?
3) I've seen the vehicle system and it looks quite complicated at the first glance; however, most Traveller gearheading systems (LBBs 2, 5 and 8) look frightening at the first look but are REALLY FUN to gearhead with after a few hours of reading them. Is the Striker design system as complicated as LBB 5 or 8, or is it even more complicated? How easy is it to use once you get used to it?
I've thumbed through my possible aquision and the main questions I have are:
1) How difficult is the Striker combat system to learn and how complex is it to use? While I'd like to integrate vehicles into my CT game and possibly add some military dimentions to things, I am no wargamer; I prefer to use the military-technological details of Striker as a background for small unit- and person-oriented roleplaying and action.
2) How easy is Striker to integrate with the existing CT (LBBs 1-8) rules? Does it mesh well with them?
3) I've seen the vehicle system and it looks quite complicated at the first glance; however, most Traveller gearheading systems (LBBs 2, 5 and 8) look frightening at the first look but are REALLY FUN to gearhead with after a few hours of reading them. Is the Striker design system as complicated as LBB 5 or 8, or is it even more complicated? How easy is it to use once you get used to it?