I, too, love the vector movement system, especially with hex maps as it's done in Mayday, but in a typical Traveller running battle between two ships, it's largely pointless. Unless those ships are approaching one another head-on at high relative velocity, one of them is maneuvering to rendezvous with a 'stationary' object such as a planet, or you're trying to mirror the final battle in The Forever War, a simpler, more abstract setup is all that's really needed.
One thing we discovered fairly quickly is that you could play a vector-based battle between two ships in a significantly smaller space by figuring the relative velocity between them and then leaving the defender ship (usually the lower-G one) stationary in the middle of the table while the intruder maneuvers around it using only its relative velocity. In mathematical terms, what you're doing is subtracting the slower ship's initial vector from the faster ship's and then using the difference as the faster's ship's initial vector. After that, each turn the intruder moves and adjusts its vector, then the defender's pilot applies his ship's acceleration to the intruder ship in a defensive manner. If those two ships are the only things on the map, then the result is exactly the same as when both ships move around independently. It's just more compact.