Fake transponders, paid off comm techs at the starport, legitimate vessels that actually double as pirates, I'm sure it all part of the pirate play book.
I think they're part of the playbook too. Of course you didn't bother mentioning them until prompted.
You think every system has system defense?
Pysadi, TL 4, Starport C, no bases, has an SBD assigned to it?
Why this talk about a port all of a sudden? I thought you weren't talking about the limit-to-port run.
Anyway, an SBD? Probably not. Patrollers from the duchy navy, subsector navy, or Imperial navy? Probably yes.
And, if it does, how many are there? Can they cover the entire system?
Again, probably not. But they needn't cover the entire system, they only need to cover where people go.
I'm starting to think you can't read because you keep bringing your argument to a port-to-jump point scenario, which has never entered my comments.
I'm not bringing it up either, but, as we'll see below, you're ignoring the other half of Aramis' point.
It fits any system where there is a lot of traffic in-system.
A lot of in-system traffic? Sure. Oddly enough, "your two days at one gee" trip doesn't actually
go anywhere.
As Aramis has repeatedly pointed out, two days at one gee is not only
too long for most jump limit trips - but you're not talking about jump limit trips - but it's also
too short for most in-system trips.
Following the old accelerate-flip-decelerate profile, two days at one gee is going to see you travel roughly
0.5 AUs.
Depending on their orbital positions, that will get you to Venus or maybe Mercury but no pirate worth his salt is going to be caught that deep in Sol's jump limit and that far away from the safety of jump space.
A half an AU won't get you to Mars, even when Earth and Mars are at their closest, nor the Belt, no Jupiter. After Jupiter and with only one gee of maneuvering thrust, you'll reach Saturn and the outer planets faster by jumping.
So, where is your target going at one gee for two days?