Or it could be the fact that the book was already over 600 pages so more advanced systems for combat, starship combat, starship building, etc. had to be pushed off to later books as was done with CT.I think support is the main issue. Classic Traveller had a pretty poor combat system in the core too. Indeed, Marc might be being cagey / sleazy by holding off on a proper tactical combat system for a supplement. . .
I was puzzled at one point about the sort of half and half limbo starship construction is in between the old CT Starships book (hulls are all in even increments, engines are more or less pre-defined) and CT High Guard (bays, spinal mounts, globe generators, etc.). I think now the most likely reason for its current shape is that the book is so large and there isn't really the space to add more detail to ship construction (though to be honest I have to wonder how much space would be taken up with a 'drive is x%' system) but at the same point it was felt that there was a need for putting in some of the large ship information so players wouldn't think that those systems had just disappeared.