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Traveller Calendar 2009 - Call For Submissions

Andrew Boulton

The Adminator
Spica Publishing Ltd is pleased to announce that the Official Traveller Calendar 2009 is GO!

As before, all profits will go to charity - last year we chose The American Brain Tumor Association, the year before that was Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, and this year will be the MS Society.

But first, we need art, which means we need YOU! There's a growing pool of talented Traveller artists out there, and we'd like to get as many of you involved as possible. You can submit anything you like, as long as it's at least vaguely Travellerish, it's family-friendly, it'll fit on the page, and people won't get sick of looking at it before the end of the month...

Payment: did I mention the money was going to charity? Every contributor will recieve a PDF of the finished calendar, a boost to their ego, and a nice warm glow inside...

Andrew your mailbox is full - the message he say:

Andrew Boulton has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.

when you clear it you will have another submission :D
Actually, something just occured to me. Before I get too far with my second piece, what's the deal with canon in the Calendar. If I was to paint a picture of, oh... say... Strephon on his throne. Would that conflict with Mongoose's OGL-type doo-dad?

Some time ago you asked bbzwbbzw about using some artwork we collaborated on in the calendar. It was the side view of the Hastati Cavalry Combat vehicle if I recall.

Should I alert him to re-submit it to you for inclusion or do you already have it?

Some time ago you asked bbzwbbzw about using some artwork we collaborated on in the calendar. It was the side view of the Hastati Cavalry Combat vehicle if I recall.

Should I alert him to re-submit it to you for inclusion or do you already have it?

Already got it (he's a fast worker!)
Note: in order to avoid any potential problems arising from the new Mongoose TLAs, the Calendar will in future be published by the Office of Calendar Compliance.