I ordered paypal and got a letter from you for payment recieved...remember, I also had to send a second transaction for the shipping because I forgot to add it to the original price.Originally posted by hunter:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Ged Earthsea:
Did you pay via PayPal? We didn't have it set up for the T20 preorder but we did get a couple that way. If this is how you ordered I can fix you up.I did not get a copy of TA#2 although I did preorder 2 copies of T20. Did I do something wrong?
If you payed through our store with a credit card, you should have gotten an order confirmation email that included a link from which you could download TA #2.
I got my TA#2...just need to print it out now...
still waiting for the handbook too...NOT to put any pressure on you....no, no pressure at all, being busy exectutive types-n-all you've got a megacororation to oversee, "hands-on-the-reins","irons-in-the-fire" kind of thing...so,no pressure from me, nope, no sir-ree, none at all.