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Traveller Trailer

My monitor is about perfect for everything else though
Much brighter and anything else will get washed out. I thought maybe it was the video source lighting/gamma but don't go to too much trouble.

Only one nitpick, just a few more seconds to finish out the song verse and fade out the audio please
Maybe with the Traveller name coming up from the point of jump of the trader in the last clip. But hey, it's your baby, don't mind me, refer again to my previous statement...

Way ahead of you - I've got another scene planned, so there's about another 10s to add. I think it's gonna be a bugger to render, though.
You know, re the darkness of the movie, I gotta ask cause maybe it is just my settings. Does anybody else find the original, or the other space scenes Andrew has done, dark?

I was just downloading and watching his movies from his site again (woohoo high speed, hadn't seen them for a while and the Confed Navy was new to me, coool) and they all seem darkish on my screen. The Confed Navy space scene is almost black for most of it.

So while I like the seeing the stuff more clearly in the newer trailer maybe it is better back the way it was if that looks good for others.
Oh yeah, and anybody going to a game con has got to have a laptop with all these loaded and playing in a loop to spread this guys talent and visions for the game. These deserve more exposure!
Superb Andrew! Absolutely superb!

Doesn't look overly dark on my monitor.

More, more! You could put that render of Research Station Gamma in...

... or even put the Ace of Spades movie on to the end. Solomani trader disappears, Corsair appears and heads in system.
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
Way ahead of you - I've got another scene planned, so there's about another 10s to add. I think it's gonna be a bugger to render, though.
Oops. When I try to render it the computer goes and hides under the bed...:-(
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
Way ahead of you - I've got another scene planned, so there's about another 10s to add. I think it's gonna be a bugger to render, though.
Oops. When I try to render it the computer goes and hides under the bed...:-( </font>[/QUOTE]Have you tried beating it with a pointy stick? Or maybe costed up sending it to a renderfarm? 3 mins can't be that expensive?

Have a look here: http://technology.guardian.co.uk/online/story/0,3605,1537032,00.html
