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Traveller Trailer

Originally posted by Nick Nova:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Andrew Boulton wrote:
BTW, Marc wants some "martial" music for the new version. Any suggestions?
"Mars, the Bringer of War" from Holst's The Planets comes to mind, or is that too cliche? </font>[/QUOTE]Not at all. I second that nomination.

Several of Wagner's pieces would fit, too. Or "Stars and Stripes Forever." Ot the theme from the movie "Patton."
Mars has always been on my list of Music To Use One Day. Wagner's a maybe, also Carmina Burana.

The Zulu theme is tempting. So's the theme to The Battle Of Britain, and I quite like the version of When Johnny Comes Marching Home from Dr Strangelove...
I dug out an old album of War Movie themes and found there are quite a few good ones from older movies.
Battle of Britain has already been mentioned, but the following are all suitable.

633 Squadron
Where Eagles Dare
The Dambusters march.
Guns of Navarone

Okay, I guess the word 'album' gives away my age
Even worse, this is a Woolworths, John Barry album priced at 99p :eek:
Although I suggest this with tongue placed firmly in cheek, I'm still making a "serious" suggestion (and, like Marvo, showing my age)

How about the theme from the old Gerry Anderson TV show "UFO"?

Even older that UFO, how about the theme from Thunderbirds. Or the music from the same TV show that plays every time they launch.

I was watching this last night on DVD. Amazing how the special effects have stood the test of time. Some of them could be taken direct out of a modern day show such as 'Power Rangers'.

Andrew - on cassette? Don't you mean 8 Track?
Originally posted by Lord Vince:
Oooo...Thunderbirds. Or maybe the theme from Captain Scarlet, yeah?
That would be good if you could find an instrumental version without the "Captain Scarlet" singing. Same goes for Fireball XL5. I have often toyed with the idea of how Captain Scarlet would make a pretty good role playing game.

Incidentally, my current Star Wars character is called Steve Zodiac, but nobody in my group gets the reference. :D
Iwas thinking martial. Mythodea is very martial, especially for Vangelis. Probably scare the crap out of the Martians.
How about an original score?

I'd be happy to work on original music (along with anyone else interested)... Here's some of my more recent stuff that I just posted to my college web space:

And here's my artist page on iCompositions:

And some links to specific tunes there - more 'theme-y' stuff of mine - that might have useful elements or aspects: