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Traveller Trailer

Hehe - thank you Andrew! Music is my true love... I was a recording engineer for a few years (which merged my interest in music and computers) and I am an ardent student of the sitar and guitar.

If any of my prior music has specific elements or aspects that appeal to you, or if you'd like to discuss possible cues in the video that call for certain 'flavors', I'd be happy to lend my efforts to composing and creating a soundtrack for your mind-blowing graphics.

Let me know if you'd like to go to email, and brainstorm a bit - or if in fact you'd like to discuss it here, for the benefit (and acute boredom) of all!
I'll see what I can come up and should have something for you within the next few days... I'm home sick today so it might be a good day to start, if I'm feeling up to it
Oh yeah.. now we are talking!

Let me be the first to congratulate you on this. The music it just perfect.
Smashing stuff! There's a little blip though, where the combat-armoured marine (?) seems to disappear from the corridor he's standing in. Is that a teleport? Is that a zhodani commando?!?! :eek: :eek:

Mind you, if it is, there ought to be a Blakes 7 style teleport effect.

Oh, and the Hornets need a soundtrack, too.
Spot on, Sir! The music is perfect and very well timed to the graphics (or the other way around). Enough to get anyone interested in Traveller.

I love it!
What's more to come???
The official Traveller theme music!

(No pressure, Micki...:)

There's a little blip though, where the combat-armoured marine (?) seems to disappear from the corridor he's standing in.
No, the view changes to face the other way.

Is the IRIS valve rigged in Poser?
No, it's all done in C4D. It probably could be done in Poser.

Okay, now tell me what's wrong with it, or what's missing.